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ACRM 94th Annual Conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research PIRR

Five Tracks of NONSTOP Brain Injury Content


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Offering 6 days of high-caliber educational content for brain injury rehabilitation, the ACRM 94th Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR) provides outstanding value for every member of the brain injury rehab team.

  • 55+ Brain Injury Rehab-related symposia & instructional courses
  • 185+ Brain Injury topic speakers
  • 140+ Anticipated brain injury rehab-related scientific papers



Ways to View Brain Injury Content

  1. Click on the flyer image to view a handy PDF of content most relevant to Brain Injury Rehabilitation >>
  2. The agendas below highlight all content with a DIRECT focus on Brain Injury Rehabilitation.
  3.  Get the Conference App
  4. Check out the Online Program

Not-To-Miss Brain Injury Rehab-Specific Content

Certified Brain Injury Training: The Official Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) Course

Brain Injury Instructional Courses

For specific Brain Injury-related session times and details (including presenters, session descriptions, and schedules) see the ACRM APP and the online program.

Brain Injury Symposia

For specific BRAIN INJURY sessions and more details (including presenters, session descriptions and schedules) see the ACRM APP and the online program.

  • #302021 – Traumatic Brain Injury as a Chronic Health Condition: Long-Term Functional Change and Associated Comorbidities  BI, MIL
    Tessa Hart, Kristen Dams-O’Connor, Risa Nakase-Richardson, Jessica Ketchum, John Corrigan
  • #297435 – A Systematic Approach to Behavioral Management on an Interdisciplinary Treatment Team  BI
    Jeffrey Wertheimer, Ann Gottuso, Bryce Erich, Erin Moniz
  • #296678 – Understanding Concussion in Children  BI, CP
    Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, Kristy Arbogast, Lara DePadilla, Christina Master
  • #304544 – Using Technology to Empower Home Practice of Rehabilitation: Clinician and Client Perspectives  ST, TEC, BI
    Emily Dubais, David Poskanzer, Mary Borelli, Swathi Kiran
  • #304312 – Cochrane Rehabilitation: Building a Bridge Between Research Evidence and Clinical Practice  INT, BI , CP
    William Levack, Keith Cicerone
  • #294343 – Rehabilitation with Music: What is Known and How We Collaborate As NMTs   AN, BI, CIRM
    Erin Wegener, Alika Seu, Kathleen Howland
  • #296075 – Conducting Patient Engaged Research: Lessons Learned in the VA  CP, MIL, BI
    Maheen Adamson, Karen Besterman-Dahan, Kiersten Downs, Bridget Cotner
  • #297335 – Cultural Considerations and Impacts for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury  BI
    Tamara Bushnik, Angelle Sander, Marlene Vega
  • #295855 – From Bench to Bedside: Factors Influencing Successful Implementation of Cognitive Rehabilitation Interventions  BI, INT
    L. Swan, C. Carter, A. Groff, V. Mykkelvert, F. Becker, A. Linnestad
  • #296537 – “My Husband Would not Want to Live Like This”: Difficult Conversations in Disorders of Consciousness  BI, CP
    Sunil Kothari, Andrew Dennison, Susan Johnson, Katherine O’Brien, Tana Hall
  • #293856 – An Innovative Approach to Auditory Processing Treatment for Mild TBI in the Military Setting  BI, MIL
    Heechin Chae, Cynthia Zmroczek, Stacie Robarts, Hannah Bronson
  • #295053 – The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury  SCI, BI
    Linda Isaac, Jeanne Hoffman, Kathleen Castillo, Thao Duong
  • #300604 – Ensuring Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Relevance Through Efficiency and Effectiveness  ST, BI
    Brian Theodore, Ann Perkins, Michelle Camicia
  • #300733 – Supports to Enable the Participation of Individuals Aging with Disability: Evidence From Rehabilitation Science  GER, BI, TEC
    Emily Nalder, Denise Dubois, Carrie-Anne Marshall
  • #301745 – Fatigue and Mobility in Persons with Neurologic Disability: A Framework for Rehabilitation Specialists   CP, BI, ND
    Herb Karpatkin, Evan Cohen, Stefanie DiCarrado
  • #286947 – Benefits of a Care Coordination Solution for People with Neurological Conditions Using Dedicated Patient Advocates   CC, BI, ST, ND, PED
    Jessica Harthcock, Carrie Redmon, Kelly Toline
  • #288467 – Post-Traumatic Confusional State: A Case Definition  BI, CP
    Mark Sherer, Douglas Katz, Yelena Bodien
  • #288547 – Perspectives on Community Reintegration of Veterans and Service Members with TBI: Clinical Practice Implications  BI, MIL
    G. Powell-Cope, B. Hahm, C. Dillahunt-Aspillaga, J. Lind, A. Sander, C. Melillo, K. Besterman-Dahan, K. Downs, N. Antinori
  • #304953 – The Clubhouse Model  BI
    David Burke
  • #302987 – Translational Research on Early Brain Injury: Benefits and Limitations of Neuroplasticity  NP, BI
    Jocelyne Bachevalier, Jessica Raper, Elisabeth Wilde, Harvey Levin
  • #293379 – Virtual Reality Innovations: Technology Enhanced Therapy for mTBI and Common Comorbid Conditions  TEC, BI, MIL
    Russell Gore, Loren Post, Ted Jones, Tracey Wallace
  • #299326 – Cognition and the Role of Music in Clinical Neurorehabilitation  AN, BI, PED
    Kathleen Howland
  • #297096 – Using a Systems and Knowledge Translation Lens to Frame Clinical Recommendation Development and Implementation  CP, BIL, MIL
    Inbal Eshel, Brooke Heintz
  • #294874 – Validity Assessment in Persons with Claimed Brain Injury: Clinical and Forensic Caveats  BI
    Nathan Zasler, Scott Bender
  • #296992 – The Emotional Measure of Man: Objective Approaches to Assessing Emotional Function in Traumatic Brain Injury  BI, CP, MES
    Prin Amorapanth, Dawn Neumann, Valerie Ellois, Joseph Rath, Preeti Raghavan
  • #297206 – Translating TBI Research for Public and Policy Use: Products from CDC/NIDILRR Interagency Agreement  BI
    Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, Gale Whiteneck, John Corrigan, Cate Miller, Ann Dellinger
  • #304686 – The Nature, Evolution, Predictors, and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury  BI
    Jennie Ponsford
  • #295737 – Progressive Return to Activity After Concussion: Provider Training in a Mixed Method Study Modifies Practice  BI, MIL
    Karen McCulloch, Keith Stuessi, Jason Bailie, Wesley Cole, Mark Ettenhofer, Emma Gregory
  • #296634 – CDC: The Report to Congress on the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children  BI, PED
    Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, Ann Glang, Brad Kurowski
  • #297260 – Varieties of Consciousness: Clinical and Ethical Implications  BI
    Sunil Kothari, Christos Lazaridis
  • #297208 – Measurement of Sleep in Neurorehabilitation: The Role of Actigraphy  BI, TEC, MIL
    Risa Nakase-Richardson, Mo Modarres, Don Fogelberg, Jennifer Travis-Seidl
  • #283259 – What You Need to Know About Assessment and Treatment of Social Cognition After Brain Injury  BI, CP, ST
    Dawn Neumann, Barbra Zupan, Rebecca Eberle
  • #303653 – Exercise for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence and Clinical Practice  BI, CP
    Shirley Shih, Can Ozan Tan, Mary Alexis Iaccarino, Ross Zafonte
  • #289738 – Evidence-Based Pharmacological Interventions After Traumatic Brain Injury  MES, BI, MIL
    Sonya Kim, Lilian Hoffecker, Lauren Terhorst, Xiaolei Hu, Marianne Montera, Shilpa Krishnan, Trudy Mallinson, Patricia Heyn
  • #291889 – Exploring Mechanisms for Alcohol Abuse After TBI   NP, BI, CC
    Amy Herrold, John Corrigan, Alana Conti
  • #297399 – Community Integration and Family Adjustment after ABI: Practical Solutions in a Rapidly Changing World  INT, BI, ST
    Janet Niemeier, Kathy Kniepmann, Arshia Ahmad, Lucia Smith-Wexler, Marlene Vega
  • #300354 – Speaking of the Arts…The Interplay of Music and Speech in the Neurorehabilitation Process  AN, ST, BI
    Kathleen Howland, Ellayne Ganzfried, Dwyer Conklin
  • #294151 – The Effects and Effectiveness of Structured Physical Activity at Varying Life Stages  CIRM, ND, BI
    Sonya Kim, Susan Ronan, Janet Dolot, Allan Tyson, Bonnie Marks, Richard Traum, Shilpa Krishnan, Patricia Heyn
  • #296629 – Cervicocephalic Syndrome: What Every Physiatrist Should Know  CC, BI, PAIN
    Nathan Zasler, John Leddy
  • #296362 – Advancing TBI Sleep Research: Three Multi-Center Studies within the TBI Model System Program  BI, CP, NP
    Risa Nakase-Richardson, Tamara Bushnik, Jeanne Hoffman
  • #295624 – Electronic Accommodations for Students with TBI: A Vocational Rehabilitation Demonstration’s Lessons Learned  BI, TEC
    Phil Rumrill, Deborah Hendricks, Eileen Elias
  • #300994 – Neuromodulatory Effects of rTMS + Amantadine with Chronic VS/ MCS: An Interdisciplinary Approach  NP, BI, MES
    Theresa Pape, Dulal Bhaumik, Runa Bhaumik, Trudy Mallinson, Ann Guernon, Elyse Walsh, Sherri Livengood
  • #301820 – Community Reintegration in Low-Resource Settings: Unmet Needs and Family Participation in Rehabilitation Process  INT, BI, ST
    Amit Kumar, Jonathan Armstrong, Carlos Marquez de la Plata, Kristine Kingsley
  • #296879 – Medical Management and Outcomes of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed With Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis   PED, BI
    Robyn Howarth, Laura Blackwell, Joshua Vova, Udayan Kulkarni, Fallon Crews, Anna-Lisa Tarabicos
  • #303851 – Interventions to Improve Emotional Regulation Following Traumatic Brain Injury  CP, BI, TEC
    Theo Tsaousides, Dawn Neumann
  • #297086 – Hormonal Influences on TBI and Stroke Rehabilitation Outcome  BI, ST
    Grace Griesbach, Lisa Kreber, Jessica Ashley
  • #289475 – Getting the Most Out of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Database  BI
    Jessica Ketchum, Dave Mellick
  • #304683 – Patient-Centered Vocational Rehabilitation for Individuals with Acquired Brain Injuries  BI, CP, ST
    Paige Salinas, Jennifer Featherston, Carlos Marquez de la Plata
  • #294168 – Evidence Based Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury  BI, CP
    Barry Willer, Gerard Gioia, Christina Master, John Leddy
  • #288421 – Emerging Technologies for Emotion Regulation after TBI  TEC, BI, MIL
    Tracey Wallace, John Morris, Leighanne Davis
  • #304065 – Treatment Outcomes for Individuals With Acquired Brain Injury and the Significance of Social Participation  MES, BI
    Sonya Kim, Marie Cavallo, Yuka Matsuzawa, Kristine Kingsley
  • #294605 – Metacognitive Strategy Training: Optimizing Self-Awareness and Strategy Use across Activities  CP, BI, ST
    Joan Toglia, Chelsea Steinberg
  • #284131 – The ‘Silo-ed Specialist Dilemma’: Interdisciplinary Cross-Training of SCI Specialists for Acquired Brain Injury  CC, BI, SCI
    Kristen Lueck, Liz Pike

FOCUS AREA ABBREVIATIONS:  AN: Arts & Neuroscience  //  BI: Brain Injury  //  CAN: Cancer  //  CC: Cross-Cutting  //  CIRM: Complementary Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine  //  CP: Clinical Practice  //  DI: Diagnosis Independent  //  GER: Geriatric Rehabilitation  //  INT: International  //  LR: Limb Restoration  //  MES: Measurement  //  MIL: Military/VA  //  ND: Neurodegenerative Diseases  //  NP: Neuroplasticity  //  PAIN: Pain Rehabilitation  //  PED: Pediatric Rehabilitation  //  PHY: Physicians & Clinicians  //  POL: Health Policy & Legislation  //  SCI: Spinal Cord Injury  //  ST: Stroke  //  TEC: Technology

Brain Injury Special Symposia

Brain Injury Meetings

See the complete schedule of ACRM ISIG, networking group, and task force meetings and plan to join. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to new members. 


  • BI-ISIG Girls and Women with ABI Task Force Meeting // 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
  • BI-ISIG Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force Meeting //  12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


  • BI-ISIG Executive Committee and Task Force Chairs Meeting (By invitation only) //  7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • BI-ISIG Summit Meeting // 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM


  • BI-ISIG Communication and Prognosis after TBI Task Force Meeting // 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • BI-ISIG Community-Based Treatment Task Force Meeting // 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • BI-ISIG Pediatric-Adolescent TBI Task Force Meeting // 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
  • BI-ISIG Chronic Brain Injury Task Force Meeting // 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • BI-ISIG Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force Systematic Review (By invitation only) // 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM


  • BI-ISIG Disorders of Consciousness Task Force Meeting // 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM

Brain Injury Rehabilitation-Related Paper Sessions/Oral Presentations

Check the ACRM Conference APP and the Online Program

Join the ACRM Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (BI-ISIG)

No need to wait for Atlanta to get involved! Check out the leadership and connect with the lively Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group now…


Click to Visit the BI-ISIG web page


ACRM Annual ConferenceProgress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR#2017)

REGISTER ONLINE HERE or Register by Phone: +1.703.435.5335
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*For the latest programming info, schedule, session and faculty details, and room locations, please see the Searchable Online Program & Scheduler and/or the ACRM App.  Although significant changes are not anticipated, the schedules, sessions, and presenters posted on this website are subject to change.

*Up to 44 credit hours from Pre-Conference through end of Conference Mon – Sat 23 – 28 October. The number of credit hours available in any particular content area may be less.

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