Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (“The ARCHIVES”)
Archives is the acclaimed scientific journal of ACRM. Ranked 9th of 169 journals in rehabilitation, Archives boasts a 2023 Impact Factor of 3.6 according to the Journal Citation Report and is the most cited journal in rehabilitation with over 25,000 lifetime citations. The Archives has a 2023 CiteScore of 6.2, ranking it 9th out of 161 rehabilitation journals. The Archives is also ranked second in Google Scholar Metrics in the category of Rehabilitation Therapy and is the highest-ranked general PM&R journal in the field. The Archives supports open access publishing and ACRM members receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) when publishing in the journal. Subscription is included in ACRM membership.

Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation (ARRCT)
The ACRM Open Access companion journal to the ARCHIVES of PM&R, ARRCT publishes original, peer-reviewed research and systematic and other reviews covering important trends and developments in rehabilitation with the goal of advancing the health of persons with chronic diseases and disability. It will also consider exceptional case reports as well as rehabilitation-related images for publication. In addition, through its open access nature, its goal is to expedite the transfer of quality rehabilitation research to all members of our field.
ARRCT has an IMPACT FACTOR of 1.9 (ranking it 90th out of 169) and a Scopus CiteScore of 3.0 (ranking 56 out of 161). It is also indexed in PubMed Central and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
ACRM members receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) when publishing in ARRCT.

ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook
The ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice is intended for use in clinical practice by all professionals who provide cognitive rehabilitation to brain-injured patients.
The new SECOND EDITION is greatly expanded with new chapters and a robust companion website.

ACRM eNews
The ACRM eNews is a highly informative e-news brief that delivers the most relevant content to your inbox each and every week. It delivers the latest in legislative policy, research funding opportunities, news for the global rehabilitation community, member features, ARCHIVES highlights, and more to keep your career on track. eNews has a circulation of 80,000+ ACRM members and others in the PM&R field.
Translation Limitation Policy
ACRM is an organization that operates using US English as its official and only language. ACRM has looked at language translation options carefully. However, due to potential legal and medical liability issues, ACRM is unable to provide translations to other languages.
ACRM 101st Annual FALL Conference | Progress in Rehabilitation Research
31 OCT – 3 NOV 2024 // DALLAS Hilton Anatole
PRE-CON: 29 – 31 OCT 2024