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Elizabeth and Stanley Licht Award ACRM Award

Elizabeth and Sidney Licht Award


This award honors Sidney Licht, MD, a longtime ACRM member and former president, and his wife Elizabeth, who was the publisher of the Physical Medicine Library. The Elizabeth and Sidney Licht Award recognizes excellence in scientific writing in rehabilitation medicine. Only articles presenting potentially significant empirical and theoretical contributions to rehabilitation medicine, and demonstrating soundness of methodology and data analysis are considered for the award.




ACRM 2024 Licht Award -  Li-Chieh Kuo


The ACRM Awards Committee and Archives Editorial Board are pleased to honor Li-Chieh Kuo, PHD FACRM, Occupational Therapist with the 2024 Elizabeth & Sidney Licht Award. This award will be presented at the ACRM 2024 Fall Annual Conference.



Only papers published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are eligible for the award. The ARCHIVES Co-Editors-in-Chief nominate candidates from the best scientific articles published in the previous year; the ACRM Awards Committee selects the winning manuscript each year.




Loren Davidson, MD


FatmaAlzahraa Hassan Kamel, PhD, PT, MSc


Senem Demirdel, PT, PhD
Fatih Erbahçeci, PT

Investigation of the Effects of Dual-Task Balance Training on Gait and Balance in Transfemoral Amputees: A Randomized Controlled Trial



Amit Kumar image

Amit Kumar, MPH, PhD

Amit Kumar, MPH, PhD
Linda Resnik, PT, PhD
Amol Karmarkar, MPH, PhD
Janet Freburger, PT, PhD
Deepak Adhikari, MS
Vincent Mor, PhD
Pedro Gozalo, PhD

Use of Hospital-Based Rehabilitation Services and Hospital Readmission Following Ischemic Stroke in the United States



Dr. Hsieh received the ACRM 2019 Licht Award

Cheng-Yang Hsieh, MD, PhD

Cheng-Yang Hsieh, MD, PhD
Hsiu-Chen Huang
Darren Philbert Wu
Chung-Yi Li
Meng-Jun Chiu
Sheng-Feng Sung

Effect of Rehabilitation Intensity on Mortality Risk After Stroke



Andrew Layne image

Andrew Layne, PhD

Andrew S. Layne, PhD
Fang-Chi Hsu
Steven N. Blair
Shyh-Huei Chen
Jennifer Dungan
Roger A. Fielding
Nancy W. Glynn
Alexandra M. Hajduk
Abby C. King
Todd M. Manini
Anthony P. Marsh
Marco Pahor
Christine A. Pellegrini
Thomas W. Buford

Predictors of Change in Physician Function in Older Adults in Response to Long-Term Structured Physician Activity-The LIFE Study



Dr. Huan-Jui Yeh

Huan-Jui Yeh, MD

Huan-Jui Yeh, MD
Yiing-Jenq Chou, PhD
Nan-Ping Yang, PhD
Chi-Chia Cheng, MD
Nicole Huang, PhD

Association Between Physical Therapy and Risk of Coronary Artery Disease and Dyslipidemia Among Osteoarthritis Patients: A Nationwide Database Study


Ilona Rubi-Fessen

Ilona Rubi-Fessen, MSc, PhD

Ilona Rubi-Fessen, MSc, PhD
Alexander Hartmann
Walter Huber
Bruno Fimm
Thomas Rommel
Alexander Thiel
Wolf-Dieter Heiss

Add-on Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Subacute Aphasia Therapy: Enhanced Improvement of Functional Communication and Basic Linguistic Skills. A Randomized Controlled Study


Dr. Joshua B. Cantor

Joshua B. Cantor, PhD

Joshua Cantor, PhD (posthumously)
Teresa Ashman, PhD
Kristen Dams-O’Connor, PhD
Marcel P. Dijkers, PhD
Wayne Gordon, PhD
Lisa Spielman, PhD
Theodore Tsaousides, PhD
Hafina Allen, LMSW
Michael Nguyen, MS
Jennifer Oswald, BA

Evaluation of the Short-Term Executive Plus Intervention for Executive Dysfunction After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial With Minimization


Daniele Sirineu Pereira

Effects of Physical Exercise on Plasma Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Lisa Ottomanelli

Lisa Ottomanelli, PhD

Lisa Ottomanelli, PhD
Lance L. Goetz, MD
Alina Suris, PhD
Charles McGeough, MS
Patricia L. Sinnott, PhD
Rich Toscano, MEd
Scott D. Barnett, PhD
Daisha J. Cipher, PhD
Lisa M. Lind, PhD
Thomas M. Dixon, PhD
Sally Ann Holmes, MD
Anthony J. Kerrigan, PhD
Florian P. Thomas, MD

Effectiveness of Supported Employment for Veterans With Spinal Cord Injuries: Results From a Randomized Multisite Study
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Vol.93, Issue 5)


Keith Cicerone

Keith Cicerone, PhD, ABPP, FACRM

Keith Cicerone, PhD, ABPP, FACRM
Donna Langenbahn, PhD, FACRM
Cynthia Braden, MA, CCC-SLP, CPHQ
James Malec, PhD, ABPP-Cn Rp, FACRM
Kathleen Kalmar, PhD
Michael Fraas, OTD, MSCI
Thomas Felicetti, PhD, FACRM
Linda Laatsch, PhD
J. Preston Harley, PhD, FACRM
Thomas Bergquist, PhD, ABPP
Joanne Azulay, PhD
Joshua Cantor, PhD
Teresa Ashman, PhD

Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation: Updated Review of the Literature from 2003 through 2008
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011 Apr;92(4):519-30. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2010.11.015


No award was made.


Thomedi Ventura, MS
Cynthia Harrison-Felix, PhD
Nichole Carlson, PhD
Carolyn DiGuiseppi, MD
Barbara Gabella, MSPH
Allen Brown, MD
Michael DeVivo, DrPH
Gale Whiteneck, PhD

Mortality After Discharge From Acute Care Hospitalization With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Population-Based Study


Charles H. Bombardier, PhD
Mary Cunniffe, MSW
RohiniWadhwani, BA
Laura E. Gibbons, PhD
Kimberly D. Blake, PhD
George H. Kraft, MD

The Efficacy of Telephone Counseling for Health Promotion in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 89(1):10-5, 2008 Jan. UI: 18164324


Barbara E. Bates, MD
Jibby E. Kurichi, MPH
Clifford R. Marshall, MS
Dean Reker, PhD
Greg Maislin, MS, MA
Margaret G. Stineman, MD

Does the Presence of a Specialized Rehabilitation Unit in a Veterans Affairs Facility Impact Referral for Rehabilitative Care After a Lower-Extremity Amputation?
Arch Phys MedRehabil 2007; 1249-1255


Cindy B. Ivanhoe, MD
Gerard E. Francisco, MD
John R. McGuire, MD
Thyagarajan Subramanian, MD
Samuel P. Grissom, MD

Intrathecal Baclofen Management of Poststroke Spastic Hypertonia: Implications for Function and Quality of Life
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2006; 87: 1509-1515


Alan Jette, PT, PhD, MPH

Alan Jette, PT, PhD, MPH

Alan M. Jette, PhD, PT
Julie Keysor, PhD, PT
Wendy Coster, PhD, OTR
Pengsheng Ni, MD, MPH
Stephen Haley, PhD, PT

Beyond Function: Predicting Participation in a Rehabilitation Cohort
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005; 86: 2087-2094


David T. Yu, MD
John Chae, MD, ME
Maria E. Walker, MSE
Andrew Kirsteins, MD
Elie P. Elovic, MD
Steven R. Flanagan, MD
Richard L. Harvey, MD
Richard D. Zorowitz, MD
Frederick S. Frots, MD
Julie H. Grill, MSE
Michael Feldstein, PhD
Zi-Ping Fang, PhD

Intramuscular Neuromuscular Electric Stimulation for Poststroke Shoulder Pain: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004; 85: 695-704


Patrick Murray, MD, MS,
Mendel Singer, PhD
Neal V. Dawson, MD
Charles L. Thomas, BS
Randall Cebul, MD

Outcomes of rehabilitation services for nursing home residents
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003; 84: 1129-36


K. Sullivan, PhD, PT
Barbara J. Knowlton, PhD
Bruce Dobkin, MD

Step Training with Body Weight Support: Effect of Treadmill Speed and Practice Paradigms on Post-stroke Locomotor Recovery
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002; 83: 683-9


P. Hunter Peckham, PhD
Michael W. Keith, MD
Kevin L. Kilgore, PhD
Julie H. Grill, MS
Kathy S. Wuolle, OTR/L, CHT
Geoffrey B. Thorpe
Peter Gorman, MD
John Hobby, FRCS
M.J. Mulcahey, OTR/L
Sara Carroll, PT
Vincent R. Hentz, MD
Allen Wieger, PhD

Efficacy of an Implanted Neuroprosthesis for restoring Hand Grasp in Tetraplegia: A Multicenter Study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001; 82: 1380-88.


Margaret G. Stineman, MD

A Functional Diagnostic Complexity Index for rehabilitation Medicine: Measuring the Influence of Many Diagnoses on Functional Independence and Resource Use
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2000; 81: 549-60


Mary Aitken, MD
Kenneth Jaffe, MD
Carla DiScala, PhD
Frederick P. Rivera, MD

Functional Outcome in Children With Multiple Trauma Without Significant Head Injury
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 80: 889-95


David E. Krebs, PhD, PT
Alan M. Jette, PhD, PT
Susan F. Assmann, PhD

Moderate Exercise Improves Gait Stability in Disabled Elders
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998; 79: 1489-96


D. Casey Kerrigan, MD
Hussein M. Abdulhadi, MD
Thomas A. Ribaudo, MS
Ugo Della Croce, PhD

Biomechanic effects of a contralateral shoe-lift on walking with am immobilized knee
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997; 78: 1085-91


Margaret G. Stineman, MD
Judy A. Shea, PhD
Alan Jette, PhD
Charles Tassoni, PhD
Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD
Roger Fiedler, PhD
Carl V. Granger, MD

The Functional Independence Measure: Tests of scaling assumptions, structure, and reliability across 20 diverse impairment categories
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 1101-8


Marca L. Sipski, MD
Craig J. Alexander, PhD
Raymond C. Rosen, PhD

Physiological parameters associated with psychogenic sexual arousal I women with complete spinal cord injuries
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995; 76: 811-8


Denise G. Tate, PhD
William Stiers, PhD
Julie Daugherty, MA, CRC
Martin Forchheimer, MPP
Evan Cohen, PhD
Nancy Hansen, PhD

The effects of insurance benefits coverage on functional and psychosocial outcomes after spinal cord injury
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994; 75: 407-14


Geraldine Gutierrez, MD
Gerald J. Herbison, MD
Paz Vega, MS
Joseph Nasuti, MD
Elizabeth Cook, MD
Walter Conlan, MD

Recovery of the extensor digitorumlongus muscle in the rat following L4 nerve sectioning
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1993; 74: 922-7


Kenneth M. Jaffe, MD
Gayle C. Fay, PhD
Nayak Lincoln Polissar, PhD
Kathleen Martin, MN, RN
Hilary Shurtleff, PhD
J’May B. Rivera, MSW
H. Richard Winn, MD

Severity of pediatric traumatic brain injury and early neurobehavioral outcome: A cohort study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992; 73: 540-7


Scott Richards, PhD
Frederick J. Osuna, AB
Theresa Jaworski, MA
Thomas A. Novack, PhD
Dano A. Leli, PhD
Thomas. J. Boll, PhD

The effectiveness of different methods of defining traumatic brain injury in predicting postdischarge adjustment in a spinal cord injury population
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991; 72: 275-9


Nadine M. Fisher, EdM
David R. Pendergast, EdD
Evan C. Calkins, MD

Maximal isometric torque of kneeextension as a function of muscle length in older subjects
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1990; 71: 729-34


Justus F. Lehman, MD
Robert Price, MSME
Barbara J. deLateur, MD
Stephen Hinderer, MD
Charles Traynor, BS

Spasticity: Quantative measurements as a basis for assessing effectiveness of therapeutic intervention
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1989; 70: 6-15


Thomas W. Findley, MD, PhD
James C. Agre, MD, PhD

Ambulation in the adolescent with spina bifida. II. Oxygen cost of mobility
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1988; 69: 855-61


Robert Thompson, PhD
Peter W. Huestis, MA
Jen Yu, MD, PhD

Motor learning: Nonspecific subcortical mechanisms in rat
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1987; 68: 419-22


Jeffrey Basford, MD

Jeffrey Basford, MD, PhD, FACRM

Jeffrey R. Basford, MD, PhD, FACRM
Horace O. Hallman, MS, RPT
Charles G. Sheffield, RPT
George L. Mackey, RPT

Comparison of cold-quartz, ultraviolet, low-energy laser, and occlusion in wound healing in a swine model
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1986; 67: 151-4



Wayne Gordon, PhD, FACRM

Wayne A. Gordon, PhD, FACRM
Mary Ruckdeschel Hibbard, PhD
Susan Egelko, PhD
Leonard Diller, PhD
Martha Scotzin Shaver, MS
Abraham Lieberman, MD
KristjanRagnarsson, MD

Perceptual remediation in patients with right brain damage: A Comprehensive program
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1985; 66: 353-9


Gerben DeJong, PhD, FACRM
Laurence G. Branch, PhD
Paul J. Corcoran, MD

Independent living outcomes in spinal cord injury: Multivariate analyses
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1984; 65: 66-73


M. Patricia Murray, PhD
Louise A. Mollinger, MS
Susan B. Sepic, BS
Gena M. Gardner, BS
Marcia T. Linder, BS

Gait patterns in above-knee amputee patients: Hydraulic swing control vs constant-friction knee components
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1983; 64: 339-45


Justus F. Lehmann, MD
Michael J. Ko, MS
Barbara J. deLateur, MD

Knee moments: Origin in normal ambulation and their modification by double-stopped ankle-foot orthoses
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1982; 63: 345-51


Nancy M. Crewe, PhD
Gary T. Athelstan, PhD

Functional assessment in vocational rehabilitation: A systematic approach to diagnosis and goal setting
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1981; 62: 299-305


David Cardus, MD
Wesley G. McTaggart, BS
Francisca Ribas-Cardu, MS

Exercise training in ischemic heart disease: Effect on physical performance and plasma lipids, ACTH, and cortisol
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1980; 61: 303-10


Carl V. Granger, MD
Gary L. Albrecht, PhD
Byron B. Hamilton, MD, PhD

Outcome of comprehensive medical rehabilitation: Measurement by PULSES Profile and Barthel Index
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1979; 60:145-54