As a member of ACRM, you are welcome and encouraged to participate in all interdisciplinary special interest groups (ISIG) and networking groups relevant to your interests and expertise. If you are not yet a member of ACRM, you may join any networking group free of charge on an introductory basis or any ISIG by purchasing a two-year ISIG only membership. Read on and visit each group’s website to learn more.
The BI-ISIG champions high standards in brain injury rehabilitation practice, education, and research among interdisciplinary professionals. The BI-ISIG is currently celebrating its 30-year anniversary! The key to withstanding another 30 years is the promotion and inclusion of early career professionals with interest in brain injury.
The Executive Committee of the BI-ISIG is committed to supporting early career professionals through their involvement in the BI-ISIG Task Forces, and by having a position for an Early Career Officer on the Executive Committee. There are seven productive BI-ISIG task forces with which to get involved. For information about these task forces and their respective contacts, please visit the BI-ISIG website.
As an early career professional, you will have opportunities to participate in many of the exciting task force projects, such as systematic reviews, development and participation in symposia, publishing peer-reviewed manuscripts, and many other scholarly activities. Additionally, the BI-ISIG has incentives for early career members, such as travel scholarships to ACRM meetings and poster awards.
Applications for the Mid-Year Meeting Scholarships will be due 29 January and decisions will be announced by 19 February, so please keep a lookout on the website for the updated announcement. Applications for the Annual Conference Scholarship will be due 19 August and the announcements will be made by 1 September. So, if you want opportunities to network and be involved, contact a task force chair today!
The CRNG is committed to mentoring early career individuals. In an effort to formally support this, at the 2015 ACRM Conference, each of the five task forces agreed to include one slot for an Early Career individual. The selected individuals must meet three requirements:
- Attend at least 50 percent of the monthly conference call meetings for the task force
- Submit at least one abstract/poster for the 2016 ACRM conference
- Attend the 2016 ACRM conference in Chicago.
In addition to gaining valuable insights and experience, the selected Early Career individuals will be able to list on their CVs a national/international task force appointment and any research they get accepted at the next ACRM conference as well as request a letter of recommendation from the task force chairs if/when they apply for their next position.
For more information, please visit the CRNG website and check out our Fall newsletter. You can also contact the co-chairs, Vish Raj or Julie Silver or any of the task force chairs directly.
The ING is recruiting ECNG members to participate in our three task forces:
- Conference and Outreach Task Force
- Research and Organizational Task Force (with a new Common Data Elements subtask force)
- Service Delivery Task Force
Executive Committee positions are available. The group is interdisciplinary and non-diagnosis specific. More information about our networking group and task forces can be found on the website.
There is great mentoring taking place in our task forces since members of the group are long-standing ACRM members and leaders in the field. If you are interested in learning more about this group or becoming a member, please contact the chair, Fofi Constantinidou.
The ACRM Measurement Networking Group (MNG) is dedicated to advancing the science of measurement in rehabilitation medicine. To further these goals, the MNG is actively developing an interdisciplinary group of early career professionals who have an interest in measurement theory and implementation. We encourage clinicians and researchers who are new to measurement to participate. For more information, please contact Jason Raad.
The tasks forces of the Spinal Cord Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (SCI-ISIG) are open to ACRM members and to non-members who would pay a fee. Most of the groups meet monthly, and are looking for more involvement from ECNG members!
- The Fitness and Wellness Task Force is seeking input for information/education pages on several topics which can be viewed here.
- The Women’s Health Task Force is completing a systematic review pertaining to women with SCI and sexuality and welcomes volunteers who would like to contribute.
- The Functional Electrical Stimulation Task Force is moving towards a focus on broader technology and robotics, perhaps with the Technology Community Group founded by Megan Mitchell and Jennifer French.
- The Secondary Complications and Aging Task Force is led by Jeanne Zanca.
Consider joining us! If you’d like to become more involved, the task force chair contact information is available here.