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Distinguished Member Award ACRM Award

Distinguished Member Award


Established in 1988, the Distinguished Member Award honors an ACRM member who significantly contributes to the development and functioning of ACRM. Qualified nominees are ACRM members who provide extraordinary service as a member or chair of a committee, task force, ISIG, or networking group. These individuals demonstrate leadership and organizational abilities and exemplify public service.



ARCM 2024 Distinguished Member Award - Bergquist

ACRM is pleased to recognize Thomas Bergquist, PhD, ABPP, FACRM as the 2023 ACRM Distinguished Member. READ MORE >>


One award recipient is provided for each award, no one person may receive two awards in one year.
For this reason, multiple nomination files will not be entertained for multiple awards nominations.
Only the first submission will be recognized.

All award nominees must not have received an award within the last 3 years.


  • Nominee must be an ACRM member in good standing
  • Nomination letter must include:
    • Nominee contact information (name, email address, phone number)
    • NIH biosketch or CV for nominee
    • Statement of qualifications describing why the positions and activities outlined in the biosketch or CV qualify the nominee for a particular honor (maximum 500 words)
    • Your name and contact information, including email




Distinguished Members Award


2023: John T. Morris, PhD, FACRM

2022: Megan Mitchell, PhD

2021: Sue Ann Sisto, PT, MA, PhD, FACRM

2020: Ashraf S. Gorgey, MPT, PhD, FACSM, FACRM

2019: Fofi Constantinidou, PhD, CCC-SLP, CBIS, FACRM

2018: Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM

2017: Angela Hein Ciccia, PhD, CCC-SLP

2016: Angela Colantonio, PhD, OT, Reg. (Ont.), FACRM

2015: Lance Trexler PhD, HSPP, FACRM

2014:  Chris MacDonell, FACRM
Philip A. Morse, PhD, FACRM

2013: Claire Kalpakjian, PhD

2012: Ronald Seel, PhD

2011: Martin Grabois, MD, FACRM
Stephen Page, PhD

2010: Henry B. Betts, MD, FACRM

2009: Marcel Dijkers, PhD, FACRM

2008: Tamara Bushnik, PhD, FACRM

2007: Marcia, Scherer, PhD, FACRM
Donna Langenbahn, PhD, FACRM

2006: Allen W. Heinemann, PhD, ABPP (Rn), FACRM

2005: Kathleen Kalmar, PhD
John Whyte, MD, PhD, FACRM
Gale Whiteneck, PhD, FACRM

2004: Steven R. Hinderer, MD, MS, PT

2003: Karen A. Hart, PhD, FACRM

2002: Joseph T. Giacino, PhD, FACRM
Mark V. Johnston, PhD, FACRM

2001: Keith D. Cicerone, PhD, ABPP, FACRM

2000: No award given.

1999: Dorothy L. Gordon, DNSx, RN, CRRN, FAAN
Judith H. Stanton, RN, MS

1998: Karen E. Wunch, MS, RN, FACRM

1997: Virginia Mills, MS, PT

1996: Douglas E. Harrington, PhD, FACRM
Danese D. Malkmus, MA CCP-SLP CCM

1995: Stanley H. Ducharme Jr., PhD
J. Preston Harley, PhD, FACRM
Denise G. Tate, PhD, FACRM

1994: Justin Alexander, PhD
Kathleen B. Fralish, PhD

1993: J. Kent Canine, PhD
Kristjan T. Ragnarsson, MD

1992: Gerben DeJong, PhD, FACRM

1991: Marcus J. Fuhrer, PhD

1990: Nancy M. Crewe, PhD
Linda M. Hennig, MA, RN
Mary W. McKenzie, MSEd, OTR

1989: Mary D. Romano, MSW (posthumously)