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Task Force Updates

  Applied Cognition & TBI Task Force CHAIR: Patricia Heyn The Applied Cognition & TBI Task Force is continuing its mission to address cognitive rehabilitation research needs related to cognitive outcomes, tools, and measurements.  The AC Task Force is...

Task Force Updates

Applied Cognition Task Force Co-Chairs:  Patricia Heyn and Sandie Kletzel This task force has an article in press! It has grown to include twenty members who have an interest to address the unmet research related to cognition and rehabilitation outcomes and tools. As...

2015 Poster Awards

  The MNG was pleased to present ACRM 2015 awards for best measurement posters in the following categories: Early Career, Measurement Methodology, and Measurement Advances in Clinical Practice.   Measurement Networking Group Early Career Poster Award...

Task Force Updates

  NOW FORMING: Terminology Review Task Force Are you confounded by measurement terminology? Is validity an attribute of an instrument, or the context in which you interpret individual scores? Do we need multiple terms for a distribution-based change index? Other...

Meet the Leadership & Participate

  Welcome colleagues to the inaugural volume of Pre to Post, the Newsletter of the ACRM Measurement Networking Group (MNG). The MNG membership is focused and active related to developing, applying, evaluating, and utilizing state-of-the-art measurement...
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