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ACRM 94th Annual Conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research PIRR

2017 Mark Ylvisaker Memorial Pediatric Brain Injury Symposium

Social Communication in Adolescents with Brain Injury: What Would Mark Do?   #332395

THU 26 OCT // 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Lyn Turkstra, PhD Professor and Assistant Dean, Speech-Language Pathology, McMaster University



Lyn Turkstra, PhD
Professor and Assistant Dean, Speech-Language Pathology
McMaster University



Pediatric Rehabilitation, Brain Injury, Clinical Practice



Egocentric, emotionally volatile, loud, silent, socially awkward, difficult. All of these words have been used to describe teenagers. They’ve also been used to describe individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). For teens with TBI, as well as teens with other neurological disorders, sorting out different vs. disordered can be a challenge for both clinicians and parents. This lecture honors the work of Dr. Mark Ylvisaker, a pioneer in rehabilitation of children and adolescents with brain injury and champion of intervention grounded in everyday life. This talk will show how his ideas shaped current principles of rehabilitation for adolescents with brain injury, and inform intervention for all youth with cognitive and communication challenges.



  1. Identify major developmental social milestones and challenges in adolescence
  2. Describe a framework for setting appropriate goals for adolescents with acquired social problems
  3. Compare and contrast intervention approaches for adolescents with acquired vs. developmental social problems



Dr. Lyn Turkstra is Assistant Dean and Professor of Speech-Language Pathology in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and is a speech-language pathologist by training. Her research and clinical aim is to advance knowledge and intervention for adolescents and adults with neurological communication disorders. Dr. Turkstra’s studies focus on links between cognitive function and social communication in individuals with acquired brain injury, and she collaborates on development of evidence-informed practice standards to translate research findings into improved clinical practice. Dr. Turkstra is an author on over 85 peer-reviewed publications, including evidence-based practice guidelines for intervention in acquired brain injury.


About the Ylvisaker Symposium >>

ACRM Annual ConferenceProgress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR#2017)

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