A Note From Your MNG Chair The ACRM Measurement Networking Group (MNG) promotes the development, application, evaluation, and utilization of “state-of-the-art” measurement instruments for the advancement of disability and rehabilitation theory and practice. MNG...
Call for Proposals Update The ACRM Annual Conference is months away but conference proposals are due now. The Scientific Papers and Posters deadline has been extended to March 12th! Be sure to select “Measurement” for your presentation!See submission guidelines...
Measurement Spotlight ArticleLEARNING TO LOVE SECONDARY DATA ANALYSISBy Alison M. Cogan, PhD, OTR/LPostdoctoral Research FellowWashington DC VA Medical CenterAs an early career rehabilitation researcher with training in qualitative methods and clinical trials, one of...
Measurement Programming Coming to ATI The topic of outcome measurement is well-represented at the NEW ACRM Training Institute (ATI) coming to Chicago in the spring at both the intermediate and introductory levels. ACRM is rolling out this new educational opportunity...
MNG Task Force Updates APPLIED COGNITION & TBI TASK FORCE The Applied Cognition & TBI Task Force is continuing its mission to address cognitive rehabilitation research needs related to cognitive outcomes, tools, and measurements. The AC TBI Task...
Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationHot off the Press! Hot off the Press provides you with articles that have recently been published in the Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation that relate to measurement. We also highlight articles that have...
Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual — Dr. Niehaus quote
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Ann Deutsch, Chris MacDonell, FACRM, Sue Ann Sisto
ACRM Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research