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Limb Care Networking Group

Limb Care Networking Group


The ACRM Limb Care Networking Group (LCNG) aims to move the focus from limb “loss” to a comprehensive limb “care” by interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders and care systems that are vital in facilitating the patient and caregiver journey from limb loss and difference to independence.

The mission of the LCNG is to provide opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration for stakeholders across the Limb Care Continuum that includes preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and prosthetics.

The vision statement of the LCNG focuses on promoting evidence-based comprehensive limb care using the stakeholder and systems perspective.

The directional strategies include knowledge dissemination, collaborative implementation projects and resource repository development for limb care. 

Task forces (TF) created to collaborate on the aforementioned strategies include Knowledge Dissemination TF, Implementation Facilitation TF and Resources and Advocacy TF.




The Limb Care Networking Group (LCNG) Chair, Prateek Grover MD PhD MHA, is excited to invite new members and reengage former task force members to two new taskforces, the Implementation and Advocacy Task Force (IA TF) and the Clinical Care, Prosthetics and Biomechanics Task Force (CBPTF).

The evolution of these two task forces from the former Dissemination, Implementation, and Advocacy task forces is responsive to the evolving interest and feedback from you, so that we may continue to better serve the LCNG mission of moving the focus from limb “loss” to comprehensive limb “care” through opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration for stakeholders across the Limb Care Continuum.

The Implementation and Advocacy TF (IA TF) aims to promote a comprehensive systems approach among limb care professionals to facilitate optimal care and resources for people with limb loss across the limb care continuum. Select strategies include Promote conversations on limb care program and systems implementation, collaborate with stakeholders on limb care related advocacy issues, and contribute to patient decision making from a multidisciplinary perspective. Proposed deliverables include white papers on limb, care program and systems, support appropriate limb care related legislation, and patient decision aids development. Ashlie White, Chief Programs Office of the Amputee Coalition, will be the new chair of the Advocacy and Implementation Task Force.

The Clinical care, Prosthetics and Biomechanics TF (CPB TF) aims to promote interdisciplinary evidence based practice adoption by limb care professionals to maximize care provided nationally and internationally for people with limb loss across the limb care continuum. Select strategies include multidisciplinary discussions on best evidence for clinical care paradigms and prosthetic device
selection and fostering collaborative projects on prosthetic devices and limb biomechanics. Proposed deliverables include multidisciplinary limb care instructional course, white papers on clinical care, prosthetics, and biomechanics, and repository of best evidence interprofessional articles representing each limb loss discipline. The current LCNG Chair, Prateek Grover, Academic Physiatrist, will lead this Task force until a new Task Force Chair is found.

We invite you to share your interest and engage with the LCNG in moving the field of limb care forward though conversations with us, joining task forces as members, and serving in leadership positions including CPB TF chair and Communications Officer.

More information on the group can be found on the official website

Please reach out to us at or

Thank you for your expertise, work, and dedication in making a difference in the lives of people
with limb loss and difference.

With best wishes,

Prateek Grover MD PhD MHA FAAPMR, Chair, Limb Care Networking Group and Task Force chair, Clinical
Care, Prosthetics and Biomechanics TF
Michael Hudock DO, Secretary, Limb Care Networking Group
Ashlie White MA, Task Force chair, Implementation and Advocacy TF

Download this Invitation (PDF)












Thank you for being a part of the Limb Care Networking Group! We love that the ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation pros from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals. We hope to meet with you at our upcoming networking group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration.


Join us this month to discuss the 2024 ACRM Annual Conference, Task Force updates, and new projects. We welcome your participation.

Save the date!

DATE: The Second Wednesday of Each Month
TIME: 4:00 PM Eastern

Meeting ID: 884 7509 7044
Passcode: 565195


Comprehensive limb care requires true interdisciplinary collaboration among systems and stakeholders across the Limb Care Continuum: including physicians (rehabilitation, medical and surgical specialties), therapists (physical, occupational, respiratory, nutritionist, psychology), orthotists and prosthetists, researchers, and organizations for community participation (driving, recreation, vocation), social support and advocacy, and policy / reimbursement.

We invite you to join the ACRM LCNG as we provide the networking and action space to share knowledge, identify gaps and current resources and collaboratively develop solutions and resources to optimize the journey of individuals with limb loss and difference.

CLICK to Join Now


  • Continuing education opportunities
  • Task force participation (practice guidelines, advocacy, research directions)
  • Collaborative research opportunities
  • Development of position papers
  • Opportunity to plan educational courses for the ACRM Annual Conference
  • Experience outstanding peer-to-peer learning
  • Advance evidence-based clinical practices for improved outcomes


FOLLOW the Limb Care Networking Group


Step up for a leadership position on the Executive Committee of the Limb Care Networking Group (LCNG) in our open positions:

  • Social Media Chair – Help us expand our outreach via different forms of social media!



The LCNG seeks collaborators to promote education & research.

The Limb Care Networking Group (LCNG) is seeking partnerships with Special Interest Groups and Networking Groups at ACRM to promote education and research aligned with population needs and evidence-based practice in areas of common interest. To explore a collaboration on any of the following topics, contact LCNG Chair, Dr. Prateek Grover.

  • Limb loss epidemiology, access and barriers: nationally and internationally
  • Limb loss anatomy / physiology
  • Clinical practice aspects e.g., phantom pain, wound care
  • Risk factor overlap with other medical comorbidities, e.g., CVA, MI
  • Limb loss technology
  • Limb loss gait analysis
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