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2021 Joshua B. Cantor Scholar Award


Shannon Juengst received the ACRM 2021 Joshua B. Cantor Scholar Award


The BI-ISIG is pleased to honor Shannon Juengst, PhD, CRC with the 2021 Joshua B. Cantor Scholar Award. To be selected for the Cantor Award is to be recognized as a professional whose work embodies the spirit of Dr. Cantor’s endeavors and achievements, which aimed to provide solace, meaning, and hope to individuals with TBI. It is clear from Dr. Juengst’s body of work and her overall career accomplishments, that she shares this vision.



Shannon Juengst is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Applied Clinical Research. She has over 15 years of experience in research, with extensive training in research design and methodology, advanced statistics, clinical trials design for behavioral and psychological interventions, and psychometric development and evaluation in health care research. Dr. Juengst’s research focuses on behavioral and emotional outcomes of traumatic brain injury, investigating biopsychosocial relationships, innovative telehealth methods, and evidence-based interventions. Specifically, she has expertise in Problem-Solving Training for individuals with acquired brain injuries or other neurological conditions and their care partners. She has developed a Biopsychosocial Rehabilitation Research program that incorporates multidisciplinary research across the continuum of care.

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