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How The Arts Can Be Rehabilitation Medicine

How The Arts Can Be Rehabilitation Medicine

We’re not saying that studying Picasso or learning an instrument will fully heal patients in rehabilitation — but we are saying that doing so can help in recovery. Whether a patient is going through brain injury rehabilitation, spine injury rehabilitation, or...

5 Tips For Preventing Addiction During Geriatric Rehabilitation

Prescription drug abuse is alarming in the U.S. today. As a professional in the medical field, you certainly don’t want your patients to become addicted to medicine during their geriatric rehabilitation. Whether they’re recovering from a slip and fall incident, hip...
5 Ways To Maximize Recovery From Cancer

5 Ways To Maximize Recovery From Cancer

The role of rehabilitation medicine when it comes to cancer is simply to maximize the recovery process. When your patients have fought and beat cancer, next it’s time for cancer rehabilitation, which can be an overwhelming and daunting task. Here, we’ve gathered five...
Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine: How It Helps & How You Can Help

Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine: How It Helps & How You Can Help

We believe children should be happy, carefree, and strong. Though this may not be every child’s reality, pediatric rehabilitation medicine can help. As a medical professional, you know the role rehabilitation medicine can play in someone’s quality of life. Whether...
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