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As you become an expert in your industry, you’ll need to build a network. Medical networking can sometimes seem like a looming task; discussing rehabilitation research with your coworkers, for example, is good — but it’s not enough. Without much direction, you may not succeed in your networking goals.

With the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, you can succeed in medical networking and rehabilitation research. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss three ways that ACRM can help with medical networking, continuing education for nurses, and more — specifically within the field of pain rehabilitation. Check out benefits of joining ACRM and then join ACRM today. We can’t wait to hear your rehabilitation research on pain rehabilitation.

Network With Other Professionals

The answer to finding a new job, scoring a promotion, or getting a new rehabilitation research opportunity? More often than not, it’s all about medical networking.

When you join ACRM, you can do just that! Here at ACRM, we have communities specifically designated for different aspects of rehabilitation research; from brain injury to lifestyle medicine to neuroplasticity, we’ve got it all.

For pain rehabilitation experts, we offer the ACRM interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Group (PRG). The mission of this group is to study interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation — and it does so by attracting some of the best rehabilitation researchers and clinicians in the world. Join this group, and you can rub shoulders with the best of the best in the field of pain rehabilitation. How’s that for medical networking?

Conduct Research

Once you’ve joined ACRM and are working with the Pain Rehabilitation Group, you’ll have more doors opened for rehabilitation research opportunities. From contributing to medical research journals to getting exclusive access to professionals in the field, you’ll get the chance to better your community and influence others — through your research.

Even better, you’ll have your team and partners to bounce ideas off of and to help you take your pain rehabilitation research to new levels. Right now, the Pain Rehabilitation Group has a unique volunteer opportunity for anyone looking to get more involved in rehabilitation medicine and research. Dr. Andrew Dennison is looking for interested collaborators for a presentation on hemiplegic shoulder pain at the ACRM 2019 Annual Conference in Chicago. Sound like you? Contact him today.

Share Your Research

Whether you share your research in private forums or at our Annual Conference, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to influence others with your rehabilitation research. You want the industry of pain rehabilitation to improve — and your research could be the first step toward dramatic improvement.

Join ACRM Today

What are you waiting for? ACRM is a leader in rehabilitation medicine and research, and we can benefit from your expertise. Whether you’re looking for continuing education for nurses or simply want to take your medical networking to the next level, you can find what you’re looking for with ACRM.

When you join the Pain Rehabilitation Group, you can help identify critical issues within pain rehabilitation, recruit more colleagues to the field, or even find more leadership opportunities. Learn more about the Pain Rehabilitation Group and join ACRM today.

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