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Power Up newsletter by ACRM Technology Networking Group

2024 Spring


Hello from the Chair!

I am excited to be in this role as Chair of the Technology Networking Group with the mission of furthering advanced rehabilitation technology. We’re glad that you’re on board with us to deliver knowledge, research and technology related outcomes that matter to patients and systems of care… Read more

Other New Chairs/Positions

I am working on a project examining the clinical utility of commercial fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbit, Apple Watch) compared to research-grade accelerometers (e.g., ActiGraph) for upper extremity movement in the stroke population….Read more

2023 Conference Award Winners Recap!

We all were quite delighted to receive the Most Impactful device award, and a big kudos to the other winners and the other participants. IRegained®’s goal is to help individuals with hand function disability reclaim their independence and thereby their lives…Read more

News From Members!

Dear TNG Members: If you would like to use the Newsletter as a platform to share news, announce achievements, or find collaborators etc., please reach out!!…Read more

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