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Newsletter of the Measurement Networking Group

Measurement Focus at the ACRM 92nd Annual Conference, Dallas

New at this year’s conference in Dallas, enjoy more than 25 hours of outcomes and measurement content led by leading researchers and clinicians, including Anne Deutsch, RN, PhD, FACRM; Dale Strasser, MD; Drew Davis, MD; James F. Malec, PhD, ABPP-Cn, Rp, FACRM; and many others. See featured sessions here.


MNG Business Meeting: Bylaws and Vision Cast

Join us bright and early at 7:00 am on 28 October for the MNG Business Meeting. This is your opportunity to discuss our draft bylaws and Vision Cast – the rules and procedures by which we will operate and the goals that define our direction.

Executive Committee members want your input before we call for an email vote.

Adoption of the bylaws creates a mechanism to nominate candidates and assure strong MNG leadership.

Business Meeting Agenda

Proposed Bylaws

Draft Vision Cast


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Poster Award WinnerPoster Awards

New in 2015! We have established awards for best measurement posters presented at the conference in the following categories:

  1. Early Career
  2. Measurement Methodology
  3. Measurement Advances in Clinical Practice


Are you Registered?

There is still time to register as low as $445/student or $795/member.


Need Lodging?

Choose between two convenient hotels and book your room at the ACRM conference rate. Availability may be limited on some nights of your stay. If you need assistance, please call  +1.214.761.7500.

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