The ACRM Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research (PIRR) is comprised of the main CORE Conference and the Pre-Conference delivering a total of SIX jam-packed days of evidence-based content.
WED – FRI , 28 – 30 OCT
- More than 160 educational symposia & lectures. For the nitty gritty details:
- OR / and GET THE APP here and have all the info at your fingertips
- More than 365 total hours-worth of great stuff — sessions + meetings
- Up to 20 concurrent tracks
- PLUS dozens of cross-cutting topics spanning multiple diagnoses
- 500+ scientific paper & poster presentations
- CME/CEU credit in your choice of 15 disciplines—more than any other conference

CLICK Image to See Program At-A-Glance
More NONSTOP Content than Ever
NONSTOP content for 6 diagnoses, including:
NONSTOP content for 12 focus areas, including:
- pediatric rehabilitation
- health policy
- international rehabilitation
- technology
- neuroscience
- outcomes research
- clinical practice
- research methods
- geriatric rehabilitation
- military/veterans affairs
- neuroplasticity
- measurement
- ACRM ISIG, Networking Group, Task Force, and Committee Meetings
- Opening Remarks & PLENARY I: Helen Burstin, MD, MPH, FACP, The Healthcare Quality Landscape: Role of Rehabilitation Medicine #1001
- Concurrent Sessions
- BI-ISIG Annual Summit
- Neuroplasticity Group Luncheon with Speaker, Randolph J. Nudo, PhD, Zen and the Art of Brain Repair (Ticketed Event)
- Sheldon Berrol Memorial Chautauqua: A Hands-On Look at Research Ethics Concerning Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Disorders of Consciousness
- Hot Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation: Aphasia Rehabilitation Research
- Poster Grand Round
- Exhibitor’s Welcome Reception & Poster Viewing
- ACRM ISIG, Networking Group, Task Force, and Committee Meetings
- PLENARY II: Michael Boninger, MD, John Stanley Coulter Award Lecture: Neuroprosthetics to Wheelchairs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Assistive Technology
- Concurrent Sessions
- Excellence in Post Acute Stroke Award Lecture: John Chae, MD, Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain #4408
- NIDRR-Sponsored ARRT Young Investigators Panel
- Brucker International Luncheon with Speaker, Eli Vakil, PhD, Dissociation Between Memory Processes: The Contribution of Research on Memory Impairment Following Traumatic Brain Injury (Ticketed Event)
- Neurodegenerative Diseases Networking Group Luncheon with speaker, Sandra Bond Chapman, PhD, Without BrainHealth, We do NOT have Health (Ticketed Event)
- Poster Grand Round
- Invited Speakers: Alison Cernich, PhD Director of NCMRR and John Tschida, Director of NIDILRR
- PLENARY III: Denise Park, PhD, Maintaining Cognitive Well-Being With Age: The Role of Social and Cognitive Engagement
- ACRM Membership Meeting (OPEN TO ALL)
- Henry B. Betts Awards Dinner & Gala: “DIAMONDS & DENIM” (Ticketed Event – Included in WORLD PASS
- ACRM ISIG, Networking Group, Task Force, and Committee Meetings
- PLENARY IV: Marc Diamond, MD & Dr. Christopher Giza, MD, Novel Approaches to Examining Pathophysiology Associated With Neurodegenerative Diseases and Traumatic Brain Injury: Translation to Rehabilitation
- Concurrent Sessions
- Spinal Cord Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (SCI-ISIG) Luncheon with Speaker, Edele Field-Fote, PhD, PT (Ticketed Event)
SEE CONFERENCE NEWS for the latest details and conference updates.
Maximize your learning experience and pile on the CME/CEU credits when you add in-depth, Pre-Conference Courses to your registration. Attend a single day or all three.
- Instructional Courses: half-day and full-day courses
*Access to all Pre-Conference Instructional Courses are included in the WORLD PASS
- Instructional Courses: half-day and full-day courses
*Access to all Pre-Conference Instructional Courses are included in the WORLD PASS
- Cognitive Rehabilitation Training: two-day course // MON – TUE
- Myomo-Sponsored Breakfast Symposium for Military and Veterans Affairs rehabilitation professionals // By invitation only
Learn about the technological developments that have recently occurred in upper extremity myoelectric orthotics and enjoy a complimentary breakfast with colleagues who share your interests when you attend the Myomo-sponsored breakfast symposium.
An overview of the technology will be presented by Steven Page, OTR/L, PhD, MS, FAHA, FACRM, director of the B.R.A.I.N. Laboratory (Better Rehabilitation and Assessment for Improved Neuro-recovery), co-director of Ohio Neurorehabilitation Academy at The Ohio State University, and chair of the ACRM STROKE ISIG; and Jonathan Naft, CPO, prosthetist/orthotist and founder of Geauga Rehabilitation Engineering, Inc. The symposium will discuss how elbow-wrist-hand orthoses are helping to restore function to individuals with upper limb paresis. Seating is limited on a first-come basis. Please RSVP here to reserve your place.
- Instructional Courses: half-day and full-day courses
*Access to all Pre-Conference Instructional Courses are included in the WORLD PASS - Early Career Development Course: full-day course
- RECEPTION I: Early Career & First-Timer Attendee Orientation Reception: OPEN to ALL ATTENDEES
ACRM welcomes ALL rehabilitation professionals
DALLAS will be THE PLACE for
vibrant interprofessional & transformative exchanges
Get involved, advance the field, network
NEW this year!
![]() Alison Cernich, PhD, Director of the NCMRR |
![]() John Tschida, Director of the NIDILRR |
- INVITED SPEAKERS: Director Alison Cernich, PhD and Director John Tschida will present, Opportunities & New Directions for Rehabilitation Research from Directors of NCMRR & NIDILRR —Invaluable news and insight for all researchers seeking federal funding. Hear about:
- Their vision for the future
- Funding priorities
- The current funding climate
- Identifying the gaps and opportunities
- Where the money is
TWO themed poster grand rounds
- MORE awards
- Early Career & First-Timer Orientation Reception (OPEN to ALL)
- Meet and greet members of the ACRM Board of Governors
- Engage with ACRM leaders of 14 interdisciplinary special interest and networking groups and explore mentorship, career advancement, and service opportunities
- MORE networking opportunities
- FOUR exciting plenary presentations
Everything will be bigger, BETTER, *BRIGHTER* in Dallas …
One of the best benefits of ACRM membership is the opportunity to participate in any of the ACRM interdisciplinary special interest groups (ISIGs), networking groups and their many task forces.

Pain Networking Group Meeting
Most of these groups are open to new members and welcome your participation. See the complete schedule of ACRM Meetings here and plan to get involved.
Since 1923, ACRM has been a professional home to many of the pioneers of rehabilitation medicine and is still the association of choice for today’s top rehabilitation researchers from around the world. The ACRM Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research is their time to shine.
Why Participate at the ACRM Annual Conference?”
Julia Totosy de Zepetnek, PhD
McMaster University, ON Canada
Poster Viewing Schedule
Check out the conference APP for a complete listing of 500+ posters and tag your favorites for easy reference onsite. All posters will be on display in the EXPO hall.
TUE, 27 OCT: 5:00 PM – 7:45 PM
WED, 28 OCT: 10:15 AM – 8:00 PM
THU, 29 OCT: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Poster Grand Rounds
WED, 28 OCT: 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
THU, 29 OCT: 2:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Join these moderated walking tours to review several of the top-rated posters in one 30-minute session. The author of each poster selected will briefly present the key points of their study and answer questions.
Poster Awards
All qualified posters will be rated by the Program Committee and representatives of special interest and networking groups sponsoring awards to identify this year’s outstanding poster presentations. Top-rated posters will receive one or more of the following prestigious awards to be presented during the Henry B. Betts Awards Gala #1075, on Thursday, 29 October. Come and support your award winning colleagues!
- 2015 Outstanding Poster Award (sponsored by the Program Committee) See Awards Criteria
- 1st Place
- 2nd Place
- 3rd Place
- Early Career Poster Award (sponsored by the Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (BI-ISIG)
- David Strauss, PhD Memorial Award (sponsored by the BI-ISIG)
- Girls & Women with ABI Early Career Poster Award (sponsored by the BI-ISIG)
Attendees can earn continuing education credits by participating in instructional courses, Cognitive Rehabilitation Training, the Early Career Development Course, plenary sessions, symposia, lectures, moderated panel discussions, luncheon lectures, and some special events, as noted.
PIRR 2015 offers CMEs/CEUs in your choice of 15 disciplines—more disciplines than any other rehabilitation conference. Learn More
*Although significant changes are not anticipated, all schedules, sessions, and presenters posted on this website are subject to change.