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Retraining The Brain After an Injury

Retraining The Brain After an Injury

Out of all of our organs, the brain is one that we use regularly. We can say that about a few other organs, but there’s nothing quite like the brain. While bones can be set in casts and muscles and ligaments can be operated on to gain back functionality, the brain can...

The Role Of Music In Rehabilitation

There is certainly a lot of discussion on the role either making or listening to music plays in rehabilitation and brain activity, but just how noteworthy are the benefits exactly? In the ACRM blog today, we’re going to discuss making or listening to music in regard...
Pain Can Have Emotional Side Effects

Pain Can Have Emotional Side Effects

Unfortunately, when someone is recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic pain, he or she can experience negative emotional side effects. One of our areas of focus here at ACRM is our geriatric rehabilitation research. This includes researching the side effects...

Sleep Is Essential For Your Brain Surgery Recovery

Have you ever noticed how your body craves sleep after a long day, hard workout, or stressful event? This is because your body is doing what it can to heal itself: sleep. While you sleep, your breathing slows down, blood pressure drops, and your muscles relax. Sounds...
Hip Replacement Rehabilitation

Hip Replacement Rehabilitation

There’s a good chance, with more than half a million Americans who get a total hip replacement each year, that you know someone who has undergone the major surgery. With new technology and methods, and an aging population, the number of people under 55 who are getting...
HIV Pain Management

HIV Pain Management

If you’ve ever had a headache or broken a bone, you know what pain feels like. But over time, the migraine goes away and the bone heals and you can go on living a mostly pain-free life. But in the case of HIV patients, 85 percent struggle with chronic pain that is...

Cancer Fatigue Management

One of the many difficult aspects of cancer rehabilitation is keeping patients’ energy up after rounds of chemo and the weariness that develops from the incredibly emotional process. The stress and fatigue that accumulates can be overwhelming so it’s important to keep...

How Painting Benefits the Brain

Neurologists who are interested in rehabilitation research are always looking for innovative ways of improving the quality of life for those who have suffered from a brain injury. Whether damage to the brain occurred due to a concussion, a penetrating injury, or from...
Why is Networking Important For Nurses?

Why is Networking Important For Nurses?

Networking is something that everyone who wants to pursue career goals and advancement is aware of. Across industries and fields, the more people you know the better chances you have of obtaining a recommendation, learning something new, and possibly the most...
What’s New In Neuroscience News?

What’s New In Neuroscience News?

Clinicians, doctors, physicians, nurses, and other health professionals rely on research that explores new methods and new possibilities to increase the knowledge of those practicing medicine. Research is shared through journals, magazines, and other outlets that are...
Why Should You Submit a Proposal?

Why Should You Submit a Proposal?

We touched on why you should submit a proposal for ACRM’s 2018 rehabilitation research conference in a past post, but we want to emphasize how excited we are to make next year’s conference one of the best. We are always seeking out methods and techniques that will...
ACRM is Now Accepting Proposals For the 2018 Conference

ACRM is Now Accepting Proposals For the 2018 Conference

This past weekend was ACRM’s annual conference on rehabilitation research which was held in Atlanta. We hope that everyone had a successful conference, connected with other specialists, and had an opportunity to learn what new and exciting things that are happening in...
A Preview of Presenters for the 2017 Conference

A Preview of Presenters for the 2017 Conference

If you’re a medical professional in various fields, from social workers to nurses to health care executives, or if you are interested in rehabilitation research and want to improve patient’s lives with superior care, you want to be a part of ACRM’s annual conference...
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