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Tech Talk Webinar Series

Tech Talks Presents: Forming a Commercialization Strategy

With guest speaker, Angella Smalley, PhD



12 AUGUST // 1:00 PM ET


Come to learn about the process of bringing a medical technology to market. We will be discussing happens between that lightbulb moment, when an innovator has a great idea, to the day that the product is available to order and use with patients.



ABOUT Angella Smalley​

Angela leads the Commercialization Services arm of Simbex, a medical device and consumer health product design and development firm in Lebanon, NH. Her role involves providing guidance and strategic consulting to medtech innovators who are in the process of bringing their product to market. She specializes in assessing the product viability from the perspective of care pathway, clinical workflow, and reimbursement considerations. She also provides expertise in literature review and market assessment to understand the opportunity landscape in the context of the larger medical ecosystem. Her work at Simbex has included involvement in the NIH-funded DRIVEN Accelerator Hub and the NIH-funded Center for Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology (TREAT). She serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Board of Certification/Accreditation International. Her past career includes clinical experience in a variety of rehabilitation settings and a PhD in Rehabilitation Science.