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Stroke ISIG Virtual Happy Hour


Stroke Virtual Happy Hour with Dr. Osborne - image


Addressing the Needs of Individuals with Stroke during the Transition from Hospital to Home through Problem-Solving Training

With guest speaker, Candice L. Osborne, PhD, MPH, OTR

15 MARCH // 5:00 – 6:00 PM ET


Dr. Osborne will discuss the needs of patients with stroke, the supports currently available, and introduce participants to Problem-Solving Training. She will discuss the evidence supporting the use of Problem-Solving Training and how it can be used clinically, and share the results of a pilot study of early Problem-Solving Training for patients with stroke.

Meeting ID: 955 6153 2574
Passcode: 192081


As a research-trained PhD occupational therapist with a Masters of Public Health, Dr. Osborne’s research and clinical expertise lie in the area of functional independence, self-management and community reintegration after stroke. Patients who experience a sudden-onset condition, such as stroke, undergo abrupt life-altering changes, an experience that often requires learning new knowledge, roles, routines and new ways to navigate the environment usually in a short period of time. Her research addresses aspects of this transition, specifically focusing on:

  1. Implementation and efficacy of a self-management meta-cognitive strategy intervention in both patients and caregivers
  2. The use of mobile technology to support long-term self-management after stroke
  3. Understanding the needs of patients with stroke and their caregivers during the transition from hospital to home.

As a Post-Doctoral fellow and now an Assistant Professor in the Department of PM&R at UT Southwestern, Dr. Osborne has had the opportunity to combine her research knowledge base, clinical expertise, and understanding of global healthcare with her passion to improve the care of patients with stroke.

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