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 2023 Spring Edition

Letter from the Stroke ISIG Chair and Chair Elect


Greetings from the Stroke ISIG Chair & Chair elect! We want to thank you for your active support in making the Stroke ISIG a strong community by advancing research and practice in stroke care!

You help us fulfill the mission of the Stroke ISIG to be a leader in interdisciplinary stroke rehabilitation—both in clinical practice and research—by promoting high standards of rehabilitation practice, education, and research among professionals with common interests in stroke. Our mission aligns with ACRM vision by being committed to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. The collaborative efforts of all our task forces continue to uphold these goals and work toward our vision to be the world’s leading forum for stroke rehabilitation research, knowledge translation, and an agent of positive change for stroke rehabilitative policy and practice. We strive for the Stroke ISIG to improve the lives of people affected by stroke by facilitating the highest caliber stroke research and policy, and disseminating research globally. You help by developing, mentoring, expanding, and enriching the community of stroke clinicians, educators, and researchers in order to facilitate the broader ACRM mission of improving lives through interdisciplinary research with people, in print, and online forums.

We are so proud of the wide range of Stroke ISIG task force topics and endeavors! With communities focused on aphasia and communication, movement, health and wellness, vision, pharmacology, transitions and continuity of care, and pediatric needs, our task forces address and advance the rehabilitation of stroke survivors.

There are many benefits to being a member of the Stroke ISIG! You can participate in the task forces which offer many opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. You can grow your professional network of colleagues, mentors, and funders through collaborative opportunities. By networking and engaging with stroke rehabilitation colleagues, you can share your passion and challenges while boosting your CV and gaining recognition for your contributions to the field. Learning never stops and is heightened with continuing educational opportunities as well as ways in which to administer education through the ACRM conferences and webinars. Ultimately, you can work with pioneers in the field, mentors, and potential collaborators to advance the field of stroke rehabilitation by helping translate and disseminate evidence-based practices for improved outcomes.

Please take a moment to look at our website that provides a wealth of knowledge and opportunities as well as specifics related to all task force and ISIG information! In 2023, we will continue to offer online webinars as well as provide resources from past webinars in a video library. Task forces continue to create resources for knowledge translation which can be directly incorporated into clinical practice, such as the Resource Database for Aphasia & Related Disorders. Look for the many and varied ways our task forces have disseminated knowledge and information through journal publications, presentations at the ACRM conference, and information/education pages. We also have an Early Career Liaison and an International Networking Group Liaison to support your collaboration with others that have similar interests.

Reach out to any of us with questions or comments! We thank you for your interest and look forward to this year and beyond!


Veronica T. Rowe, MS(R), CBIST, FNAP, PhD, OTR/L
Chair, Stroke Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (ISIG)
Georgia State University

Maria Cecilia Alpasan, PhD, OTR/L, CPHQ
Chair elect, Stroke Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (ISIG)