Stroke ISIG 2018 Poster Awards
The Stroke ISIG presented awards to first-authors of three outstanding posters presented in Dallas at the ACRM 2018 Annual Conference.
Stroke ISIG Early Career Poster Award

Recipient: Suzanne Burns
Poster: Popular mHealth Apps for Adults Living with Stroke: Review and Content Analysis
Authors: Suzanne Burns, Jaimee Perea
Most Newsworthy Poster of the Conference

Recipient: Andreea Cotoi
Poster: Trends in Randomized Controlled Trials of Technology-Based Interventions for Upper Limb Motor Recovery Post Stroke
Authors: Andreea Cotoi, Joshua Wiener, Jeffrey T.Y. Chow, Amanda McIntyre, Nicholas Sequeira, Robert Teasell
Stroke ISIG Outstanding Scientific Poster Award

Recipient: Joshua Wiener
Poster: Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training on Lower Limb Motor Function Post Stroke
Authors: Joshua Wiener, Scott Janssen, Jeffrey T.Y. Chow, Cristina Batey, Andreea Cotoi, Robert Teasell