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Equity and Inclusivity in Measurement Task Force​





To advance equitable and culturally responsive measurement practices, promoting inclusivity across diverse languages and cultures and bridging disparity gaps in diverse linguistic and racial/ethnic populations.



To establish a collaborative platform that fosters innovation in measurement, promoting fair and accurate assessments across cultural and linguistic backgrounds.



Thank you for being a part of the M-ISIG Equity and Inclusivity Task Force! We love that the ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation pros from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals.

We hope to meet with you at our upcoming networking group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration.

ACRM M-ISIG Equity and Inclusivity in Measurement Meeting

Join us to discuss the 2024 ACRM Annual Conference, Task Force updates, and new projects. We welcome your participation.

Save the date! 


DATE: The Second Wednesday of Each Month
TIME: 1:00 PM Eastern

Meeting ID: 840 2327 3104
Passcode: 809766

We hope to see you there!


Anthony H. Lequerica, Ph.D.

Anthony H. Lequerica, Ph.D.


Senior Research Scientist
Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research, Kessler Foundation
Jamilah Alqahtani, RN, MSN, AG-ACNP

Jamilah Alqahtani, RN, MSN, AG-ACNP


PhD Candidate, Graduate Researcher
University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing


Membership Growth: Recruit a diverse range of members with an interest in cross-cultural measurement, linguistic appropriateness, cultural responsiveness, cultural equivalence of measures (measurement invariance and differential item functioning), and outcomes within diverse linguistic and racial/ethnic populations. Anticipated timeline: First 6 months of launching the task force: seeking guidance from other task forces regarding membership strategies and establishment of regular meetings, review of goals and timelines.

Needs Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment survey among members of ACRM to identify key challenges and priorities in equitable measurement practices across cultures and languages. Anticipated Timeline: Year 1: Development of needs assessment survey. Year 2: Launching of survey and analysis of responses.

Collaborative Projects: Initiate at least one collaborative project to address measurement inequities in rehabilitation in collaboration with other ACRM interest groups and task forces. Anticipated Timeline: Begin by working on contributing to rehabilitation outcome measures database with properties of adapted/translated versions of measures. This will begin within 6 months of launching the task force and be an ongoing endeavor with periodic literature searches to keep up to date with new developments.

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