Biometrics & Biomarkers Task Force
This task force will study linkages of traditional rehabilitation tests and measures with metric technologies and molecular measures to collectively enhance the characterization of individuals as well as tracking of outcomes after injury or illness-related disablement. Leveraging of biologic and electronic measurement has the potential to increase understanding of injury/illness impact and recovery.
This task force wants to grow its membership and generate systematic reviews as well as provide symposia and primers on how to initiate biometrics and biomarkers measurement teams in a range of settings and studies. Contact the chair to learn about opportunities to participate.

Chih-Ying “Cynthia” Li, Ph.D., OTR
Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Our members have provided contributions to ACRM programming over the course of the last seven years, including one preconference workshop featuring Dr. Amy Wagner of University of Pittsburgh, PA and yearly symposia.
2025 Goals
- Concluding and publishing our review
- Seeking new chair/co-chair leadership
- Joining a Task Force that positions us toward enriching our original goals and products.
2024 Accomplishments
- Progress toward concluding our systematic review
- Met to discuss new projects
2024 GOALS
- Concluding and publishing our review
- Finalizing change in leadership
- Joining a Task Force that positions us toward enriching our original goals and products.
- Progress toward concluding our systematic review, which is in the full paper review stage.
- New leadership of the Biomarkers and Biometrics Task Force
- Working toward joining forces with another Task Force with complimentary goals and interests related to those of our members—most likely Translational Research
- Completed Covidence review on Multimodal biomarkers
- ACRM 2021 Symposium: Blitz Education: Merging Traditional Rehabilitation Measures with Quantitative Biomarkers for Greater Precision and Discovery
- Scoping review ongoing
- Initiated discussions with Rehabilitation Measures Database Task Force for addition of biomarkers and biometrics to instrument reviews
2021 – 2022 PLANS & PROJECTS
- Complete scoping review: Dr. Cynthia Li now leading with Patricia Heyn, Jan Niemeier
- Continue work on addition of biomarkers and biometrics to Rehab Measures Database instrument reviews
- Submit abstract for ACRM 2022 Symposium
- Recruit new members