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Lifestyle Medicine Networking Group


Lifestyle Rehabilitation Medicine: We believe in the science… from on Vimeo.



The ACRM Board of Governors is pleased to introduce the 20th ACRM Community, the Lifestyle Medicine Networking Group (LMNG), led by Chair, Andrée LeRoy, MD FAAPMR, DipABLM. 

The group’s leaders have come together to fill a gap in the current ACRM offerings and will work to collaborate with established ACRM networking groups and attract new members interested in exercise, diet, sleep, stress management, and social connection. Contact the chair to learn more and get involved!



To help integrate the practice to lifestyle medicine into the practice of physiatry for physicians, therapists, nurses, social workers, and other allied health professionals. LMNG will attract the best clinicians and researchers in the world to promote and study interdisciplinary lifestyle medicine for rehabilitation. LMNG will use the information from research and collaboration to reduce the emotional and physical suffering associated with lifestyle-related diseases such as stroke, diabetes, cardiac disease, obesity, arthritis, cancer, and others.

LMNG recognizes that lifestyle choices are a major cause of morbidity, mortality, and disability, and thus recognizes that ACRM is the best organization to advance interdisciplinary research and education.



Thank you for being a part of the Lifestyle Medicine Networking Group! We love that ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation professionals from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals. We hope to get acquainted with you at our upcoming networking group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration.

ACRM Lifestyle Medicine Networking Group All Member Meeting

Join us this month to discuss the 2025 ACRM Annual Conference, Task Force updates, and new projects. We welcome your participation.


Save the Date!

DATE: Meeting the Fourth Monday of Each Month
TIME: 1:15 PM ET


Meeting ID: 857 3578 0952
Passcode: 910247



  1. Review and recommend potential research directions and priorities from the Lifestyle Medicine perspective to the ACRM Board and for conference activities.
  2. Advocate for institutions and individuals leading the Lifestyle Medicine movement to join ACRM and participate at annual conferences and Mid-Year Meetings when feasible.
  3. Publish informative articles in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with international perspective/relevance.
  4. Prepare and submit papers and presentations at meetings in specific identified areas of Lifestyle Medicine, such as exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, resiliency, self-care, prevention of burnout and social connection.
  5. Provide updated information and/or resources and develop ACRM products related to Lifestyle Medicine.
  6. Foster multi-center and multi-site studies and databases in Lifestyle Medicine in the rehabilitation setting.
  7. Recruit members of the Lifestyle Medicine Group and ACRM.
  8. Submit an annual vision cast to the Board as specified by ACRM Policy and Procedures.
  9. Engage in additional goals or projects at the request of the ACRM Board.



The opportunity to participate in more than 20 specialized interdisciplinary special interest groups (ISIG) and networking groups and to engage in their task forces, is one of the most valuable benefits of ACRM membership.

Membership is available at various levels and includes a subscription to the most-cited journal in rehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, as well as discounted member pricing on all ACRM products and events.

Click the JOIN NOW button to learn more or contact Member Services at +1.703.435.5335 for personal assistance. Contact a co-chair to learn more about this networking group and ways to participate.

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Already an ACRM Member? Click here to log in and join the LMNG.


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