Health Services Research Networking Group
This is a great time to get involved in the Health Services Research Networking Group to help identify opportunities they will pursue, recruit colleagues in the field, or step into a leadership role as chair of a task force.
Contact the Health Services Research Networking Group Chair, Dr. Kinney, Adam R. <> or Chair-Elect, Dr. Jessica Edelstein , to learn more and get involved.
Thank you for being a part of the Health Services Research Networking Group! We love that the ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation pros from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals. We hope to meet with you at our upcoming networking group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration. On behalf of Chair, Dr. Jessica Edelstein, you are invited to attend the ACRM Health Services Research Networking Group All Member Meeting, Meeting Quarterly, 4th Friday of the Month at 2:00 PM Eastern
ACRM Health Services Research Networking Group All Member Meeting
Topic: Health Services Research All Member Quarterly Meeting
Save the date!
Date: 4th Friday of the Month
TIME: 2:00 PM Eastern
Meeting ID: 892 0269 1444
Passcode: 174219
The mission of the HSRNG is to facilitate collaboration and increase the scope and effectiveness of rehabilitation-relevant health services research.
To leverage our expertise as rehabilitation professionals to conduct, promote, and disseminate rehabilitation-relevant health services research that directly informs how rehabilitation services are organized, delivered, evaluated, and reimbursed. Together, we can provide the quality evidence that gives rehabilitation a strong voice during these transformative times.
The opportunity to participate in more than 20 specialized interdisciplinary special interest groups (ISIG) and networking groups and to engage in their task forces, is one of the most valuable benefits of ACRM membership.
Membership is available at various levels and includes a subscription to the most-cited journal in rehabilitation, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, as well as discounted member pricing on all ACRM products and events.
Click the JOIN NOW button to learn more or contact Member Services at +1.703.435.5335 for personal assistance. Contact a co-chair to learn more about this networking group and ways to participate.
Already an ACRM Member? Click here to join the HSRNG.
FOLLOW the Health Services Research Networking Group
- Established executive committee
- Articulated group’s vision & mission
- Launched HSR track at ACRM Annual Conference.
- HSR Special Symposium
- Explore opportunities to collaborate with other groups in ACRM’s (full-day) vertical programming pilot.
- Recruit HSR communications &/or social media officer.
- Create HSR resources webpage, including:
- Links to fundamental HSR / health policy resources.
- Dynamic list of rehab-related HSR publications.
- Support new member-initiated projects / task forces.
The Member Guide to Product Development describes ACRM products, e.g., fact sheets, journal articles, manuals, and the procedure used by ACRM groups and committees to develop them. Includes a product development worksheet and a form to request a product review.