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CDNG Mentorship Programs


The CDNG developed and administers two mentorship programs to meet the needs of ACRM members. All ACRM Members at various career stages, who are paid members in good standing, are eligible to participate in the mentorship program of their choice. An annual or semi-annual application process will be used to facilitate an appropriate mentor-mentee match. Follow the links below for application deadlines and MORE about the mentoring program of interest to you.


All ACRM Community Groups are invited to participate in the CDNG Mentoring Program for Rehabilitation Researchers. An annual or semi-annual application process will be announced to facilitate the development of mentoring relationships within each specialized ACRM Community. CLICK the button above to learn more about the application process and deadlines.

Participation in the CDNG Leadership Mentoring Program will be for a 12-month period, including six (6) events, as well as regular mentoring meetings (scheduled per your availability) with your assigned mentoring partner. An annual or semi-annual application process will be used to match mentees with appropriate mentors. CLICK the button above to learn more.



If you have questions about the CDNG Mentoring Programs or your mentoring match, please contact Tolu Oyesanya, Chair of the CDNG Mentoring Task Force.

Tolu Oyesanya, PhD, RN
CHAIR, Mentoring Task Force
Assistant Professor
Duke University, School of Nursing
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