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BI-ISIG Culture & Diversity in TBI Task Force

Culture & Diversity in TBI Task Force

Patricia Garcia, PsyD & Devan Parrott, PhD


To develop projects and products that further advance scientific knowledge about the impact of traumatic brain injury on ethnic/minority populations. Our task force strives to expand education and understanding of how diverse ethnic populations may be differentially affected during acute and post-acute phases of recovery, including barriers for successful rehabilitation across domains of cognition, psychological/psychiatric, and social/community. The task force also looks to support inter-disciplinary collaborations to help mitigate healthcare disparities when accessing clinical services to improve rehabilitation outcomes, including achieving increased participation of these patients in TBI research for refined management of challenges.


To advance scientific knowledge pertaining to the impact of traumatic brain injury on ethnic/minority populations

Focused strategies and efforts:

  1. Expand education and understanding of how diverse ethnic populations are differentially affected during acute and post-acute phases of recovery
  2. Inter-disciplinary collaborations for helping mitigate healthcare disparities when accessing clinical services for improving rehabilitation outcomes
  3. Achieve increased participation in TBI research for refined management of challenges.



Thank you for your interest in the ACRM BI-ISIG Culture & Diversity in TBI Task Force. We love that the ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation pros from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals. We hope to meet with you at our upcoming Networking Group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration.


ACRM BI-ISIG Culture & Diversity in TBI Task Force

Join us to discuss the 2025 ACRM Annual Conference, Task Force updates, and new projects. We welcome your participation.


Date: Fourth Wednesday every month

Time: 12:00 PM ET

Meeting ID: 831 1889 7848
Passcode: 683073

We hope to see you here



Patricia Garcia, PsyD, HSPP

Patricia Garcia, PsyD, HSPP


Clinical Neuropsychologist, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Indiana University School of Medicine

Devan Parrott, PhD

Devan Parrott, PhD


Director and Biostatistician, Research, Training, and Outcome Center (RTOC) for Brain Injury
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Indiana University School of Medicine

2025 GOALS

  • Initiate new projects with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaborations
  • Disseminate results of current projects/efforts (ACRM 2024, Archives)
  • Recruitment of new members
  • Support member-initiated projects and any necessary collaboration



  • Scoping review-cultural and linguistic adaptations of EBIs addressing neuropsychiatric sequelae in Hispanic/Spanish speaking populations recovering from a BI
  • Scoping review-Inclusion of minority groups in TBI clinical trials focused on cognitive training interventions in collaboration with the Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force
  • Guide on Recruitment and retention strategies in Brain injury Research



  1. BI_ISIG Task Force funding award, “Strategies to Enhance Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Samples in TBI Rehabilitation Research”
  2. ACRM symposium Kersey et al, “Advancing Equity in TBI Rehabilitation Research: A Call to Action” (Saturday; 10:30-11:30 am)

Additional relevant accomplishments from task force members:

  1. Juan C. Arango-Lasprilla led an international effort in publishing several neuropsychological normative papers when working with Spanish speaking Hispanic patients recovering from BI and other neurological insults: NeuroRehabilitation – Volume 55, issue 2 – Journals – IOS Press (other contributors include Patricia Garcia, Devan Parrot, Gloria Morel)
  2. Robiann Broomfield: Recipient of the 2024 BI-ISIG Scholarship Award
  3. Several task force members (Kersey, Broomfield, Parrott, Morel, Evans: Productivity maintained through publications and presentations (paper, poster) at national/international conferences.


2024 GOALS

  • Initiate new projects with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaborations
  • Disseminate results of current projects/efforts (ACRM 2024 conference, Archives)
  • Recruitment of new members
  • Support member-initiated projects and any necessary collaboration



  • Scoping review-Inclusion of minority groups in TBI clinical trials focused on cognitive training interventions in collaboration with the Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force
  • Recruitment and retention strategies in Brain injury Research



  • BI_ISIG Task Force funding award, “Strategies to Enhance Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Samples in TBI Rehabilitation Research”
  • ACRM symposium, “Culturally Sensitive Strategies for Recruitment and Retention of Research Participants from Underserved Groups”


GOALS 2023

  1. Initiate new projects with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary collaborations
  2. Disseminate results of current projects/efforts (ACRM 2023 conference, Archives)
  3. Recruitment of new members and leadership
  4. Support member-initiated projects and any necessary collaboration


  1. Scoping review-Inclusion of minority groups in TBI clinical trials focused on
    cognitive training interventions in collaboration with the Cognitive Rehabilitation
    Task Force
  2. Recruitment and retention strategies in Brain injury Research
  3. Special issue in Frontiers of Neurology: Examining Unmet Needs in a Brain Injury
    Sample referred to Resource Facilitation: A Cross-Ethnic Comparison
  4. Active group joining on monthly calls
  5. Conference presentations/invited talks/symposia by members (ACRM, NASHIA, RHI Care
    Week conference)
  6. Publication Brain Injury Professional- Rehabilitation Disparities: Examining Micro and
    Macro-level Barriers among Ethnic and Racial Populations Recovering from a Brain Injury

GOALS 2021-2022

  1. Understand the barriers in accessing care after a traumatic brain injury across ethnic populations
  2. Expand our knowledge of cultural variables such as acculturation and their role in recovery
  3. Help mitigate healthcare disparities in TBI rehabilitation and research by broadening our understanding of unmet needs in ethnic groups
  4. Facilitate increased participation in TBI research through a detailed analysis of recruitment and retention issues with diverse ethnic populations