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Innovations in Aging Research Webinar


Leveraging Large Data and Wearables in Clinical Research and Rehab

With guest speaker, Hiral Master, PT, PhD, MPH

This webinar will provide an opportunity to stay current in the ever-evolving field of healthcare technology. With its focus on wearables and big data, one will gain insights into how these technologies are transforming our understanding of health outcomes after spine surgery.


Upon completion of the webinar, learners will be able to:

  1. Understand the use of wearables and big data to understand health outcomes after spine surgery
  2. Leveraging wearables to design interventions to promote physical activity
  3. Understanding how to leverage longitudinal data from wearables to answer clinical research question


Hiral Master is a licensed physical therapist, certified public health professional and has a PhD in Clinical & Translational Research. She currently works for the All of Us Data and Research Center (DRC). At DRC, she serves as Research Data Innovation Lead where she focuses on scientific initiatives related to phenotypic and digital health data and outreach activities within educational and research settings.

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