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ECNG Leadership Positions Open

Are you looking to get more involved in the field of rehabilitation? Are you looking to build your resume or fulfill your service requirements for tenure? Or are you ready to network with some of the top professionals in the field? The Early Career Networking Group...

ACRM ISIGs/NG Opportunities for Early Career

As a member of ACRM, you are welcome and encouraged to participate in all interdisciplinary special interest groups (ISIG) and networking groups (NG) relevant to your interests and expertise. If you are not yet a member of ACRM, you may join any networking group free...


Take a look at this quarter’s early career question and our mentors’ responses! If you have a question you would like to submit for the Ask the Mentor column, or if you would like to serve as a mentor for the column, please email Brooks Wingo. Ask the Mentor Question...

When you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just ask!

Special thanks to Dr. Ekaterina Dobryakova for her original article in this quarter’s newsletter!  Have you ever wanted to ask someone to collaborate with you on a project, but been too afraid because you thought the person was out of your league?  Please read...


Check out these articles, links to useful resources, tips, and opportunities to find the information you need to keep your career on track. This quarter you’ll find tons of grant resources and tips for new investigators. Ready for your next job or promotion? See...