194 Progress and Report of the ACRM Measurement Networking Group Applied Cognition Task Force (MNG ACTF): Traumatic Brain Injury Workgroup (Lilian Takahashi Hoffecker, Xiaolei Hu, Marianne H. Mortera, Patricia Heyn) BI, MES
62 Health and Aging after TBI: Current Knowledge, Remaining Questions, and Healthy Next Steps (Kristen Dams-O’Connor, Mel Glenn, Shannon Juengst, Raj Kumar, Brent Masel) Bi, CP
Ylvisaker talk
538 SPECIAL SESSION: Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: New Insights from the Battlefield, Gridiron, and Lab Bench (Lee Goldstein, Douglas Katz) BI/ MIL
77 Creating guidelines for TBI rehabilitation. Part I: Similarities and differences in evidence synthesis (Marcel Dijkers, Marie Dahdah, Simon Driver, Wayne Gordon, Mark Bayley, Bonnie Swaine, Marie-Eve Lamontagne, Corinne Kagan, Catherine Truchon, Shawn Marshall) BI, CP
65 New Strategies for Improving Outcomes for Juvenile Offenders with Acquired Brain Injury (Drew Nagele, Kim Gorgens, Judy Dettmer) BI, PED
133 A Rehabilomics Exemplar: Exploring Biological Pathways To Inform Personalized-Rehabilitation Care After TBI Dopamine System Genetics (Amy Wagner, Shannon Juengst, Paricia Arenth) BI, CP
129 Disorders of Consciousness Family Education Materials: Information, Gaps, and Dissemination (Susan Johnson, Christopher Carter, Amy Rosenbaum, Katherine O’Brien, Risa Nakese-Richardson) BI, Disorders of Consciousness
518 Evidence-Based Framework For Evaluating And Treating Individuals With Disorders of Consciousness (Deborah Doherty) BI
77/98 Creating guidelines for TBI rehabilitation. Part II: Dissemination and knowledge translation to the target audiences (Marcel Dijkers, Marie Dahdah, Simon Driver, Wayne Gordon, Mark Bayley, Bonnie Swaine, Marie-Eve Lamontagne, Corinne Kagan, Catherine Truchon, Shawn Marshall) BI, CP
88 Relationship Problems after TBI: Challenges and Treatments (Dawn Neumann, Samantha Backhaus, Flora Hammond, James Malec) BI, ST
95 Adapting Behavioral Health Interventions for Cognitively Impaired Populations (Tessa Hart, Jennifer Bogner, Angelle Sander) BI, CP
103 Driving after TBI: curves, swerves and nerves (Nathan Zasler, Penny Eissenberg) BI, CP
254 Rehabilitation using technology-based functional environments: cognitive, physical, and the Interaction between them (Son Preminger, Rachel Proffitt, Lynne Gauthier, Tracey Wallace) BI, TEC
146 SPECIAL SESSION: The Public Health Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury (Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, Jeneita Bell) BI, Public Health
151 Prescription: Rhythm for the Motor System Interventions for Motor Impairments Resulting from Neurologic Injury or Disease (Brian Harris) Bi, ST
102 Persistent post-concussive symptoms: causes, cures and controversies (Nathan Zasler, Mark Bender, John Leddy) BI
114 Can propensity score methodology save rehabilitation research when RCTs are an impossibility? The TBI Comparative Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Study (Jennifer Bogner, Misti Timpson, Kamie Gilchrist, Cynthia Beaulieu) Bi, CP
556 The Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Brain Injury (Mary Iaccarino, Ross Zafonte, ) BI, MES
145 The Impact of Concussion on Vision, Balance, and Vestibular Function (Drew Davis, Katherine Weise, Jennifer Christy) Bi, PED
278 Interactive Visual Feedback for Neurorehabilitation: Best Design Practices (Lise Worthen-Chaudhari, Marcia Bockbrader) BI, TEC
SPECIAL SESSION: Keith Cicerone Special Symposia “Let’s Think: Conceptualizations of Cognitive Rehabilitation”
42 Post-traumatic confusional state: A case definition (Mark Sherer, Doug Katz, Yelena Bodien) BI, CP
224 Animals models of TBI rehabilitation and neuroplasticity: Translation to the clinic? (Dorothy Kozlowski, DeAnna Adkins, Grace Griesbach) BI, NP
243 Individualized Quantitative Behavioral Assessment in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: Utility in Language Assessment and Operational Considerations (Yelena Bodien, John Whyte, Douglas Katz, Jamie Kaminski) BI, Disorders of Consciousness
273 Missed Opportunities? Severe Catatonia and Disorders of Consciousness (Joshua Rodgers, Sunil Kothari) BI, CP
120 Aphasia in Traumatic Brain Injury: Characterization, Novel Considerations, and Treatment (Kim Frey) BI, CP
Dozens of Task Force Meetings