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TUE 9 JUN // 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

Applications for Ambulatory Activity Monitoring in (Tele-) Rehabilitation

With Guest Speaker: Dr. E. E.H. van Wegen


Erwin van Wegen imageDr. E. E.H. van Wegen
Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation
Amsterdam UMC
Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Upon completion of the webinar, learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss different types of feedback from wearable devices as objective quantification of real-world physical activity
  2. Understand the applications, importance and limitations of ambulant activity monitoring in neurological rehabilitation


Dr. van Wegen is associate professor at Rehabilitation department of AmsterdamUMC. He is (co-)responsible for strategy and policy with regard to the scientific research in the neuro-unit. His research focusses on the coordination of locomotion and standing balance as well as rehabilitation and recovery of motor function in neurological disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s Disease (PD), stroke, MS). Within current projects Dr. van Wegen acts as project coordinator and supervisor of PhD students who’s projects are aimed at understanding early prognosis and longitudinal change in neuroplasticity and functional recovery after stroke, development of (tele)rehabilitation interventions and technology, self-management and ambulatory monitoring of physical activity and exercise in patients with stroke, PD and MS. Dr. van Wegen teaches (Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences), is Director for Program Rehabilitation and Development of the Amsterdam Movement Sciences Research Institute and member of organizing committees for international conferences on Neurorehabilitation.

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