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The ING has four active task forces that welcome your participation. Please review the focus of each group below and contact the task force chair(s) of all groups of interest to learn how to get involved.

Outreach & Conference Task Force

Chris MacDonell    J. Preston Harley

Co-Chair: Christine MacDonell, FACRM
Co-Chair: Preston Harley, PhD, FACRM

The Outreach and Conference Task Force is dedicated to:

  • Increase awareness of ACRM benefits and offerings in multiple countries.
  • Encourage international rehabilitation professionals to become active in ACRM and present at ACRM Annual conference.
  • Share information about ACRM at international conferences, symposiums, lectures, and in rehabilitation settings.
  • Educate stakeholders re: importance of interaction with international association with researchers and rehabilitation professionals.
  • Promote the submission of symposiums, papers and posters for ACRM Annual conference.

Service Delivery Task Force

Kristine Kingsley   Arshia Ahmad

Co-Chair: Kristine Kingsley, PhD (left)
Co-Chair: Arshia Ahmed, MD

The Service Delivery Task Force is comprised of clinicians, researchers, as well as administrators representing all five continents, who are frequently invited to present their work to audiences in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

The task force is designated to be a platform where an international network of providers and funders could learn about different service delivery models and spearhead new initiatives fostering evidence informed, cost effective and culturally sensitive interventions.

Research & Organization Resources Task Force

Donna Langenbahn   Angela Colantonio

Co-Chair: Donna Langenbahn, PhD, FACRM (left)
Co-Chair: Angela Colantonio, PhD, OTR, FACRM

The Research and Organization Resources Task Force is focusing on promoting international research and organizational collaborations between ACRM and like-minded organizations outside the USA and identifying funding sources for future research opportunities.

Refugee Crises Task Force

Christina Papadimitriou   Erkut Kucukboyaci

Co-Chair: Christina Papadimitriou, PhD (left)
Co-Chair: N. Erkut Kucukboyaci, PhD

The Refugee Crises Task Force is dedicated to:

  • Publicly attending to, identifying, quantifying, addressing the needs of the individuals with disabilities who are living as refugees or asylum seekers in various parts of the world
  • Finding innovative ways to augment, empower and support ongoing humanitarian projects led by local and international organizations actively working with refugees with disabilities with the rehabilitation research and clinical know-how of task force members
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