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ARCHIVES of PM&R - The most-cited journal in RehabilitationThe SCI-ISIG has been hard at work developing Information/Education Pages (I/EPs) for the ACRM scientific journal, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  These two-sided, tear-out sheets are designed to provide key information on topics of interest to people with disabilities, family members, and clinicians.

They are written in consumer-friendly language and published on a monthly to bi-monthly basis in Archives.  I/EPs are available without cost for non-commercial use, and may be disseminated widely among consumers of all types. I/EPs are available here for download as PDFs.

Between August 2015 and March 2016, six of the eight published I/EPs discussed SCI-specific topics. Of these, four were original creations led by the SCI-ISIG task forces on Fitness and Wellness, Secondary Complications and Aging, and Functional Electrical Stimulation. They are:

  • Five Key Exercises for Upper Body Strength: A Guide for Persons With Paraplegia
  • Evaluating Your Pressure Ulcer Prevention Plan: A problem-solving worksheet for people with spinal cord injury and their health care providers
  • Exercise Recommendations and Considerations for Persons With Spinal Cord Injury
  • Cycling With Functional Electrical Stimulation After Spinal Cord Injury: What’s in It for Me?

Other SCI-Related I/EPs include:

  • Pregnancy and Women With Spinal Cord Injury
  • Bowel Function After Spinal Cord Injury
  • Depression and Spinal Cord Injury

Several additional SCI-related I/EPs are in preparation, include pages discussing respiratory health, cardiovascular disease assessment, women’s health issues, nutrition recommendations, and other issues of importance to people with SCI.

Jeanne Zanca

Jeanne Zanca

I/EPs are a useful tool for sharing valuable information with consumers.  Benefits for I/EP creators include building your CV (I/EPs are indexed in PubMed) and aiding dissemination efforts for your projects. Creating and sharing high quality I/EPs is a priority for ACRM.

Do you have suggestions for new SCI-related I/EP topics? Interested in leading or contributing to the creation of a new page?  Contact Jeanne Zanca, SCI-ISIG Chair-Elect, for more information on ways to get involved.

ACRM Spinal Cord Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (SCI-ISIG)

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