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The ACRM Nominating Committee is pleased to announce an outstanding slate of candidates from which the next ACRM Treasurer and TWO members-at-large will be elected.  A very special thank you goes to each candidate for their commitment to ACRM and their willingness to serve.

Voting members of ACRM will receive an election ballot tomorrow, 6 May, via email. To ensure delivery to your inbox, please opt-in to receive ACRM surveys and add to your safe senders list.

The candidates for treasurer are:

  • Mike Jones, PhD, FACRM
  • Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM
  • Ross Zafonte, DO

The candidates for member-at-large are:

  • Ahmed M. AboAbat, BScPT, MHA, PhD
  • Fofi Constantinidou, PhD, CCC-SLP, FACRM, FASHA
  • Jay M. Meythaler, MD, JD
  • Virginia Mills, MS, PT, CCM, Licensed NHA, FACRM
  • Mary Pat Murphy, MSN CRRN CBIST
  • Christina Papadimitriou, PhD


Mike Jones

Mike Jones, PhD, FACRM
Vice President, Research & Technology at Shepherd Center

Candidate Statement:

Thank you for considering me for the position of Treasurer. In recent years, I have been involved in ACRM as a conference attendee and presenter, and as an active committee member and chair.  Marcel Dijkers recruited me to edit Rehab Outlook during his term as president, and that led to membership on the Communications Committee, and the position of Chair for two years. During this period, we expanded from one to two annual ACRM supplements to the Archives of PM&R, and also initiated the popular Information/Education Pages in Archives, translating research into practical information for consumers. I also served on the ACRM Program Committee from 2009-2015, and as Chair from 2012-2014—a period which witnessed tremendous growth in the content and attendance of the Annual Meeting.

In my current professional position, I am responsible for managing an annual budget of over $22 million, covering research, assistive technology, and information technology at Shepherd Center. Managing multiple funding sources (grant, donor, operational, and fee-for-service funds) and reporting requirements necessitates an understanding of both generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and non-conventional (i.e., donor, grant, non-profit) accounting practices.

At this point, I have accomplished most of my own professional goals, so I have time, energy, and expertise to devote to ACRM. I believe this is also a time when ACRM requires strong fiscal leadership as it continue to pursue growth opportunities. It is the responsibility of the Board to provide this leadership. As Treasurer, I will take this responsibility seriously, and ensure the Board has timely and accurate information, and the necessary guidance, to fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to the organization. I look forward to this opportunity to continue my service to ACRM.


Stephanie Kolakowsky-HaynerStephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM
Chief Operating Officer, Brain Trauma Foundation

Candidate Statement:

I have been a member of ACRM for over ten years and have served on the Board of Governors as Member at Large since 2014. Throughout the past ten years I have also served as the Chair of the Early Career Development Course, Awards Committee Chair, International Networking Group Conference Task Force Co-Chair, and on a number of other committees and task forces.

Professionally, I have over 20 years progressively independent experience in rehabilitation research. I am the Chief Operating Officer at the Brain Trauma Foundation and BTF’s Principal Investigator on the Brain Trauma Evidence-based Consortium project funded by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.

I have decided to run for ACRM Treasurer to continue to serve the Board and ACRM staff in growing our organization in a fiscally responsible manner. I look forward to working with Dr. Wayne Gordon as Immediate Past Treasurer to continue re-invigorating ACRM as he remains the link to our past and overcoming some difficult financial times while striving to thrive in a competitive future.

I currently collaborate with Dr. Gordon as the Vocational-Community Issues Panel Chair for the Brain Injury Association of America and Mount Sinai’s Guidelines for Rehabilitation and Chronic Disease Management of Adults with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury development project, and as the Co-Chair of the 4th Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury. I also serve as the Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of the Brain Injury Association of California; am a member of the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists’ Board of Governors; and am on the Community Advisory Board of the DOD-funded Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve as ACRM Treasurer and thank you in advance for your vote.


Ross ZafonteRoss Zafonte, DO
Earle P. and Ida S. Charlton Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Massachusetts General Hospital and Vice President of Medical Affairs Research and Education at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network

Candidate Statement:

I am Earle P. and Ida S. Charlton Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. I also serve as chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as Vice President Medical Affairs Research and Education at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network. My textbook is considered one of the standards in the field of brain injury care.  My work is presently funded by the NIH, DOD and NIDILRR, and I am currently directing several large clinical treatment trials.  I have published extensively on traumatic brain injuries, spasticity, and other neurological disorders, as well as presented on these topics at conferences nationally and internationally. I am the author of more than 300 peer review journal articles, abstracts and book chapters.

In addition, I am on the editorial board of the Journal of Neurotrauma. I previously served on the editorial board of PMR.  In 2006, I was selected to receive the Walter Zeiter award and lectureship by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and, in 2008, received the Association of Academic Physiatrists Distinguished Academician Award.  In 2012, I received the William Caveness Award for outstanding clinical care and research from the Brain Injury Association of America, and, in May 2013, received the Joel DeLisa Prize from the Kessler Foundation. In 2014 I received the Robert L. Moody Prize in Brain Injury from the University of Texas, Galveston.

I previously  served on the ACRM Board of Governors and have overseen institutional and clinical finances in a variety of settings for nearly twenty years. My academic and administrative roles have given me extensive experience in financial affairs and I have a broad vision about assuring that the finances are in place to enhance and grow the ACRM mission.



Two members-at-large will be elected.


Ahmed AboAbatAhmed M. AboAbat, BScPT, MHA, PhD
Rehabilitation Consultant; Founder and Former Director of the Rehabilitation Hospital; Associate Executive Director of Patient Affairs; Chairman of the Clinical Service Career Planning and Credentialing Committee and Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Health in Saudi Arabia

Candidate Statement:

I am honored to be nominated for member-at-large on the ACRM Board of Governors. Although active in the disability and rehabilitation field for over 25 years, I am a relative newcomer to ACRM but had the opportunity to be a reviewer for the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal.

In 2003, I was assigned to establish the first acute rehab hospital in Saudi Arabia which has been CARF accredited in 2010 as the first accredited hospital in the region. I have heavily participated in establishing the Saudi PM&R residency program. I also managed to influence adding disability and rehabilitation to be part of the Community Medicine residency program.

Currently, I am an advisor to the deputy minister of health in the field of rehabilitation aiming to establish additional rehabilitation services and promote the quality of services provisions. Also, I am a member of the High Medical Committee which governs medical and rehabilitative services provided to individuals with disability both nationally and internationally.

As a part of the advocacy toward prevention of disability and to promote the acute rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia, I have established two major outreach programs in two regions with high incidents of disability due to road traffic accidents (RTAs). These programs are very well-known nationwide and served thousands of patients. As an activist and advisor for the largest campaign for Road Traffic Accident Prevention, I participate in different media programs including speeches and live shows to various levels of the community.

My research activities started at my doctoral degree study when I did a National Survey on Spinal Cord Injuries. Lately, I am dedicating more time to research and publications. Currently, I am the principal investigator of a national research project titled, “A Cross Sectional Study to Establish Saudi Health Related Quality of Life Norms using the SF 36 Health Survey.”

In addition to my role at the Rehabilitation Hospital, I am currently serving as an executive director of patient affairs at King Fahad Medical City. Through this position, I am also trying to convert this 1200-bed tertiary healthcare facility to be a disabled-friendly environment. Currently, I am serving CARF surveyor (Medical Rehabilitation).

By securing your vote as a candidate for the ACRM Board of Governors Member-at-Large, I will continue to work to advance the mission of ACRM globally. Also, to influence policies and legislation in Saudi Arabia to promote health, independence, productivity, and quality of life for people with a wide variety of diagnoses nationally.


Fofi ConstantinidouFofi Constantinidou, PhD, CCC-SLP, FACRM, FASHA
Professor of Language Disorders and Clinical Neuropsychology and Director of the Center for Applied Neuroscience at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Candidate Statement:

I am honored to be nominated for the position of Member-at-Large. I believe my experiences within and outside ACRM, including my one year on the BOG, have prepared me well for this new challenge and I am excited about the opportunity to continue serving our organization for the full term of appointment.

I have been an active ACRM member since 2005. Leadership positions include chairing the International Committee (2009-2012) and the International Networking Group (ING) since its establishment in 2012. Our ING group members work systematically as ambassadors of ACRM to researchers and professionals in North America and around the world. Our efforts resulted in significant increases in the number of international ACRM members and presenters at the annual meeting.

Apart from serving the ING, I am a member of the Girls and Women with ABI Task Force (BI-SIG), member of the Awards Committee, and a past member of the Liaison Committee.  Leadership positions in other organizations include the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the American Psychological Association Joint Committee (ASHA chair during my last term), vice-chair of the Cypriot Speech-Language Pathology Registration Council (two terms), member of the Management Committee of the European Union COST-ACTION on Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, and Cypriot Delegate to the Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists (CPLOL).

Prior to returning to Cyprus in 2006, I was full Professor, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Currently, I am Professor of Language Disorders and Neuropsychology and former chair, Department of Psychology. Additionally, I am the founding Director of the Center for Applied Neuroscience (CAN), University of Cyprus. CAN was established in 2010 to create a research center of strategic importance to the country with a focus on investigating human cognition and behavior ( Our research teams are studying the epidemiology of TBI and dementia in Cyprus, the long-term effects of TBI on cognitive performance and brain morphology, and the effectiveness of systematic cognitive rehabilitation in individuals with TBI and in MCI. In 2013 I was awarded the Experienced Researcher Award by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation for our work on cognitive aging.

The past 10 years working in Europe have provided valuable opportunities to interact with researchers and service providers from around the world, thus gaining a broader understanding of both the challenges and opportunities facing rehabilitation globally. If elected, I will facilitate ACRM’s national and international agenda and promote collaboration with other relevant organizations to advance ACRM’s visibility and interdisciplinary research collaboration, while maintaining our commitment to the base membership. I look forward to having the opportunity to work for all of you in these critical areas.   


Jay MeythalerJay M. Meythaler, MD, JD
Chair of the Department of PM&R at Wayne State University

Candidate Statement:

I am pleased and honored to be considered for a position on the Board of ACRM. I have been involved in disability research, clinical care and teaching for over 30 years almost all of it as a member of the ACRM. I have been a member of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Editorial board for over 20 of those years.I have always felt that the ACRM represents best the multidisciplinary approach required for the provisions of rehabilitation services.

Lately I have been very active in developing and advocating a post-acute continuum of care that encompasses all elements of post-acute care. This allows for both the most efficient delivery of Health Care Services from the Long Term Acute Care Model, in-patient rehabilitation services, skilled nursing based subacute rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation services, and home health services. This can only be done if we also partner with others beyond the traditional members of the ACRM including primary care, geriatric providers and home health nurses. This process must be started now to plan a coherent policy of care for rehabilitative services in North America.

From an experience point of view I am professor and Chair of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Oakwood, Wayne State University. I have a distinguished career of Neurologic research and Neuropharmacology in Rehabilitation Medicine. I have been one of only a handful of researchers who have studied Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) from a rehabilitation point of view and the discoverer of 4-aminopyridine’s (4-AP) potential use in demyelinating neuropathies. I was one of the first 5 Project Directors for the NIH TBI clinical trials centers. I have helped found two departments of PM&R and Residencies in my career. I have significant experience in health care administrative law. I believe I can be of significant value to the Board of Governors of ACRM.


Virginia MillsVirginia Mills, MS, PT, CCM, Licensed NHA, FACRM
Board Member of the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Community Services, Brookline, MA; Consultant, Neurological Rehabilitation Associates, Wellesley, MA

Candidate Statement:

I am pleased to run for the position of Member-at-large on the ACRM Board of Governors.  I have been involved and attending the ACRM annual meeting since the 1980s.  During all these years, I believe I have only missed about 3 annual meetings. I was one of the founding members of the Brain Injury SIG and was an editor of the original newsletter.  I served on many different committees in the ISIG through the years and was instrumental in writing the first set of guidelines used by CARF to develop their standards for surveys of programs for persons with brain injury.  I have been on the conference planning committee two different times for a total of 11 years.  I have been Conference Chair for the annual meeting three times, once in 1999 and again in 2009 and 2010.  I got the Distinguish Member Award in 1997 and became a FACRM in 2013.

I am dedicated to ACRM because I believe in ACRM’s interdisciplinary membership and goals to work together to improve the practice of rehabilitation around the world via research and evidence based practice.

I started my career as a physical therapist at Braintree Hospital where I worked my way up to being a Senior Vice-President. I, along with my colleagues, developed several neurorehabilitation programs of excellence in stroke and brain injury. I also planned and organized the annual Braintree Conference with my colleagues Preston Harley, PhD and Doug Katz, MD. I was also trained and served as a CARF surveyor for several years.

I left Braintree, and in 1996 I founded Community Rehab Care, Inc., (CRC) an outpatient neurorehabilitation program in the greater Boston Area. CRC grew and and became well known as a high quality provider of outpatient rehabilitation services. I was President and CEO of CRC until 2013 when I sold my majority interest in CRC to start a new journey in my consulting career.  I have since joined the Board at the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Community Services in Brookline, Massachusetts to assist them with their brain injury services and low vision rehabilitation services. I have served on other boards through my career including the New England Physical Therapy Network and Neurobehavioral Healthcare Systems, Ltd.

I became a member-at-large of the ACRM Board of Governors in December of 2015.   I feel I have contributed to ACRM throughout my career and I look forward to possibly having the opportunity to continue to contribute to the organization by continuing to be a member of the ACRM board.


Mary Pat MurphyMary Pat Murphy, MSN CRRN CBIST
Vice President of Clinical Service at ReMed

Candidate Statement

I am honored to be nominated for member-at-large on the ACRM Board of Governors. I have been a member of ACRM for over 15 years and am an active member of the BI-ISIG. My first exposure to ACRM was through the BI-ISIG’s Long Term Issues Task Force which focused on aging with a brain injury. At the time, I was working with individuals who were 20 years post injury; I found that there was plenty of information in the literature related to aging with a spinal cord injury but very little information  related to aging with a brain injury and associated long term issues.  I was excited to be working with a group of professionals that had similar interests and passions. Since then, I have been working closely with professionals in this area of practice. Over the years, the committee has been able to increase the quantity and quality of products disseminated to consumers as well as professionals. I have also been an active member of the Community Based Treatment Task Force.

I served as a representative on the BI-ISIG Communications Committee for several years, focusing on disseminating information on the Website. As a committee member, my belief is that members and potential members will value ACRM as their primary source of continuing professional development and other healthcare professionals will recognize ACRM as a resource for rehabilitation education if communicated effectively.

I have been involved in post-acute outcomes research for 10 years. This information is critical for improvement of quality of life and function for individuals with brain injury, as well as important for insurance providers and state and federal health policy makers. Focusing in this area will allow for ongoing and increased support for rehabilitation research and dissemination as well as for availability for funding for long term care.

I am the Vice President of Clinical Services at ReMed, a post acute brain injury program. My work with individuals with brain injury has spanned over 30 years from the neuro-intensive care unit through community integration. I understand the needs of patients, families and funders as well as the challenges faced when trying to translate research for stake holders. My work in ACRM is largely because of my experience and passion as a rehabilitation nurse. The mission of ACRM is all about interdisciplinary networking and improving lives of individuals with disability – if elected, I will continue to advance this mission.

Thank you for your consideration,
Mary Pat Murphy


Christina PapadimitriouChristina Papadimitriou, PhD
Associate Professor of the Northern Illinois University College of Health & Human Sciences, School of Nursing & Health Studies

Candidate Statement:

I am honored to be nominated for member-at-large on the ACRM Board of Governors. I have been a member of ACRM for eight years. I was introduced to ACRM by my post-doctoral mentor, Dr. Allen Heinemann in 2008 when we co-presented on research we conducted at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. I remember being impressed by the passion and energetic intellectual exchanges during the annual meetings. I am trained as a sociologist of health & illness, and disability with an expertise in qualitative research. ACRM has now become my scholarly and networking home, and I hope to contribute to its growth.

I understand myself as a scholar and researcher with a passion for social justice advocacy for persons with disabilities, especially as they navigate the complex systems of healthcare delivery. My areas of research are person-centered rehabilitation care and knowledge translation of research into clinician-friendly education modules.

I have been a member of the ACRM SCI-ISIG, though I have not been as active as I wish. I have worked closely with Ms. Christine MacDonell of CARF International developing and conducting day-long instructional courses for the annual meetings (2015 & 2016). I joined the program committee in 2015 and have been active in it with an interest to bring to ACRM disability arts and culture.

If elected, I hope to continue to advocate from a social justice perspective and to promote ACRM’s mission and vision to our scholarly, clinical, international and multi-stakeholder communities. Thank you for the opportunity to be considered in the BOG.

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