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Submitted by: Linda Resnik, PT, PhD

The ACRM Measurement Networking Group is excited about the line-up of symposia at the 2015 ACRM Annual Conference. We count over a dozen invited symposia on measurement related topics that range from applied cognition, international standardization of measurement, brain injury rehabilitation outcomes, assessment strategies for children with TBI,  measure development for return to duty after concussion, use of outcome measures for quality improvement initiatives and quality measurement, assessment of concussion biomarkers, and measurement of rehabilitation team functioning.  We also expect to have a great showing of measurement-related posters.

One of the symposia that I will be moderating is titled, Application of outcome measures for evidence based quality improvement initiatives. Panelists from CARF, University of Pittsburgh, Carolinas Healthcare and the Cleveland Clinic will talk about the importance of evidence-based quality improvement work, and highlight major initiatives in rehabilitation outcome measurement collection. They will share insights and tips from successful models of outcomes-driven quality improvement initiatives.

Panelists will speak about their experiences and those of their health care institutions in planning data collection, selecting outcome metrics, building a data system, standardizing data collection, tracking outcomes, accessing and using their data, to inform data driven quality improvement initiatives.  This should be a great opportunity to learn more about successful pioneering programs and to network with others pursuing similar endeavors.

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