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Dr. Philip Morse image Philip A. Morse, PhD, FACRM

Ex-Officio Member, ACRM Board of Governors
Private practice neuropsychologist /consultant

Philip A. Morse, PhD, FACRM, is currently a neuropsychologist and consultant in private practice. He is recently retired from his position as president of Neurobehavioral Services of New England and as a staff neuropsychologist at New England Rehabilitation Hospital in Portland, a company where he was on staff for 32 years.

He is a fellow of the ACRM and currently serves as the first chair of the ACRM Stroke Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (ISIG). Prior to that, he chaired the ACRM Stroke Networking Group (2009 – 2012) and served as the chair-elect, chair and past-chair of the ACRM Brain Injury ISIG from 2004 – 2010.

Dr. Morse obtained his BA in psychology from Brown University, his MA and PhD from the University of Connecticut-Storrs in developmental psychology. From 1971 to 1983 he taught in the Psychology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (promoted to professor of psychology in 1981), where he carried out research in infant speech perception, completed re-specialization training in clinical psychology and an internship in neuropsychology and clinical psychology at the Boston VAMC. He completed postdoctoral training in neuropsychology at New England Rehabilitation Hospital in Woburn, MA and then served there as director of psychology (1982 – 1994).

He taught neuropsychology as a research professor and lecturer in Boston University’s Psychology Department (1983 – 1997) and served as the first president of the Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society (1988). Dr. Morse continues to have a strong interest in brain injury and stroke rehabilitation with particular interests in family systems, rehab team building and international issues.

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