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2023 Edition

Message from the Chair Dr. Kristine Kingsley

Dear ACRM I-ISIG Members,

As I prepare to conclude my two-year tenure as the Chair of the International Special Interest Group, I find myself reminiscing about the incredible journey we have embarked on together. These past years have been a period of growth, collaboration, and accomplishment that I will forever cherish.

When I assumed the role of Chair in 2021, our world restricted by a pandemic, I knew that leading this diverse and dynamic group would present its challenges. However, I was also eager to embrace the opportunities that lay ahead. Our group, comprised of talented professionals from around the globe, shared a passion for our field and a dedication to advancing its boundaries. I am immensely proud of the milestones we have achieved during my tenure.

One of the cornerstones of our efforts has been fostering a sense of community and inclusivity. Our international composition enriched our discussions with a variety of perspectives, enabling us to approach problems and opportunities from multiple angles. Through webinars, workshops, and networking events, we provided a platform for members to connect, share insights, and form lasting relationships transcending geographical boundaries. During these unprecedented times, we were able to launch exciting projects within the field of rehabilitation and COVID-19 and reflect on opportunities and challenges, discuss community engaged trauma informed care within the refugee and asylum seeker populations around the world, and discuss cultural competency telehealth service delivery and training across rehabilitation professionals. 

Another highlight of my time as Chair has been our continued commitment to knowledge exchange. We have strived to stay at the forefront of industry trends by inviting experts to share their expertise and insights. These engagements not only expanded our understanding but also inspired innovation within our respective domains. It is a testament to the curiosity and dedication of our members that they consistently engage in thought-provoking discussions and embrace current ideas. Our special symposia- Brucker lectureships, have attracted high caliber specialists, including this year’s (2023) acclaimed researcher, Dr Stephen Bornheim (University of Liege, Belgium), who will be presenting on the topic of “Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Stroke Rehabilitation: from Lab to Rehab. “

We also embraced technology to bridge the gap between continents. Our virtual conferences broke down barriers and allowed us to collaborate seamlessly, even in the face of global challenges. The pandemic highlighted the strength of our group’s adaptability and resilience, as we swiftly transitioned to virtual platforms without missing a beat.

As Chair, I have had the privilege of witnessing the growth of our members both personally and professionally. It is immensely gratifying to see individuals who were once newcomers to our community now stepping into leadership roles themselves, embodying the spirit of mentorship and paying forward the support they received.

Of course, no journey is without its challenges. Navigating time zone differences, language barriers, and varying work cultures demanded a constant commitment to effective communication and understanding. However, these challenges also served as opportunities to learn and bridge differences, ultimately making our collaboration even stronger.

As I hand over the reins to Dr. Chethan Phadke, our next Chair, I am confident that this group will continue to thrive and evolve. The foundation we’ve built together is strong, and the potential for growth is boundless. I am excited to watch as Dr. Phadke introduces new ideas, and new connections are forged.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to each member of the International Special Interest Group, and particularly to members of the Executive Committee (Past Chair, Dr. Fofi Constantinidou, Secretary Paola Lucesoli de Valyi, Communications Officer, Dr. Eva Pettemeridou, Membership Officer Kathy Kniepman, and social media manager Rozlie Potts) and Task Force Co-Chairs (Drs. Angela Colantonio, Donna Langenbahn, Mansha Parvin Mirza, Concettina Trimboli, Fransiska Bossuyt, and Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla). Your dedication, enthusiasm, and passion have fueled the success we have achieved. I am honored to have had the opportunity to lead this remarkable community and contribute to its legacy of excellence.

While my role as Chair may be ending, my commitment to this group remains unwavering. I eagerly anticipate witnessing the ongoing journey of this group, knowing that the future holds great promise for all of us. To find out more about our past and future endeavors, please consider joining us at our community group meeting- scheduled to take place at the Atlanta Hilton 100th ACRM Annual Conference- held Wednesday, November 1st, 2023, from 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm in room 219.

Lastly, I want to express my appreciation for all general membership of International who completed our survey last spring; your input was greatly appreciated. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Chair. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing from many of you in the weeks to come.


Warmest regards,

Kristine T. Kingsley, PsyD, ABPP
American Board Certified in Rehabilitation Psychology
Institute of Cognitive and Emotional Wellness

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