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Volume 5, Number 1: Spring 2022

M-ISIG Updates

NEW TASK FORCE ALERT: Stakeholder Engagement!

The Measurement ISIG is recruiting members for a new task force on Stakeholder Engagement
The Measurement ISIG Stakeholder Engagement Task Force is seeking members with diverse backgrounds and an interest in stakeholder engagement to develop a Special Issue of Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on the topic of person-centered measurement in rehabilitation. The Task Force will invite abstract submissions for the Special Issue for review of relevance to the topic, invite submissions of full articles, and assist with the peer review process. Please contact Jen Weaver,, if you are interested in joining this task force.

NEW TASK FORCE ALERT: Measurement Forum!

The Measurement ISIG is recruiting members for a new task force on developing a Measurement Forum.
The Measurement ISIG (M-ISIG) has identified an opportunity to provide a service to ACRM members and engage M-ISIG members by inviting and responding to measurement-related questions. We anticipate this service will be of particular interest to early career members, many of whom are graduate students, and seek to leverage the expertise of M-ISIG members on a voluntary basis.

The initial task for this group will be to develop a proposal for implementation of a Measurement Forum to run on the blog feature of the ACRM Membership platform, including a definition of scope, rules for respectful communication, management of incoming posts, and assignment to volunteer respondents.

Once approved, the Task Force will be responsible for implementation and ongoing management of the Measurement Forum. Email Allan Kozlowski,, if you are interested in joining this team!


What began as a small group effort to help standardize the reporting of Rasch results has grown into a truly remarkable collaboration that has produced a comprehensive set of reporting recommendations, called the RULER. This project-focused, time-limited task force has developed two manuscripts that will be published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The hope is that Archives will adopt these reporting recommendations for Rasch-based manuscript submissions. This task force will close as it has served its purpose of publishing Rasch Reporting Guidelines for Rehabilitation Research. We anticipate that this group may reconvene in future years to update the guidelines.

The RULER Guideline consists of a RULER Statement and one elaboration and explanation manuscript with supplementary online only terminology and reporting table. Check out these two manuscripts!

Mallinson T, Kozlowski AJ, Johnston MV, Weaver JA, Terhorst L, Grampurohit N, Juengst S, Ehrlich-Jones L, Heinemann AW, Melvin J, Sood P, Van de Winckel A. (in press, 2022). Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research (RULER): The RULER Statement. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. DOI:10.1016/j.apmr.2022.03.013

Van de Winckel A, Kozlowski AJ, Johnston MV, Weaver JA, Grampurohit N, Terhorst L, Juengst S, Ehrlich-Jones L, Heinemann AW, Melvin J, Sood P, Mallinson T. (in press, 2022). Reporting

Guideline for RULER: Rasch Reporting Guideline for Rehabilitation Research – Explanation and Elaboration. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. DOI:10.1016/j.apmr.2022.03.019

Share your measurement content at ACRM 2022 and come chat with us!

Don’t forget to submit your abstracts and select “Measurement” for the content. Make sure you Tweet about your conference sessions #ACRM2022 and tag us @ACRMmeasurement so we can highlight your measurement work!

We look forward to seeing you all in person at the ACRM 2022 Annual Conference. Meetings with M-ISIG will be scheduled so be on the lookout to join our group!

Share your News with Us

If you are a member of M-ISIG & ACRM, we want to share your contributions to the field. Please reach out to with a short Tweet so we can promote your work on our Twitter account. Please adhere to the current character limits on Twitter and include the DOI & link to your publication (all in that limited character count!). We will review these requests on a monthly basis and approve them during our Executive Committee meetings.

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