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 2024 Winter Edition

Recognition and scholarship accomplished by members

March  2024 to August 2024 (partial listing)

Horticultural Therapy for Individuals Coping with Dementia: Practice Recommendations Informed by Related Non-Pharmacological Interventions. Matthew J Wichrowski & Monica Moscovici. Healthcare 2024 (12), 832.

Wellness Webinar- Let Mother Nature Help Reduce Stress and Improve Your Mood, sponsored by Jocelyn Gan from Energy and Sustainability Specialist Real Estate and Development Facilities Management for Earth Month. Matthew J Wichrowski, presenter

Wellness Webinar- Nature-Based Wellness for Mind, Body and Soul sponsored by  Rusk Wellness Committee. Matthew J Wichrowski, presenter

Earth Month Lunchtime Planting Session, sponsored by Jocelyn Gan from Energy and Sustainability Specialist Real Estate and Development Facilities Management for Earth Month. Matthew J Wichrowski, presenter

Grant from NYU Rusk Rehabilitation Auxiliary $30,828 for support of horticulture programs.  Matthew J Wichrowski, Grantee

Sonya Kim and Patricia Heyn were selected to be members-at-large of the ACRM Board of Governors.  They  will take office the 2nd day of the ACRM Board of Governors Meeting occurring following the Annual Conference in November.

Sonya Kim and Patricia Heyn (mPIs) were awarded an R13 Diversity Complementary and Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine (CIRM) funded by the NIH NCCIH/NCMRR (Grant #R13AT012585).

Kim S, Foley FW, Zemon V. Personal growth in caregivers of persons with brain injury or multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychol Rehabil. Aug 27 2024:1-25. doi:10.1080/09602011.2024.2393465.


Frick Semmler, B.J., Faieta, J., Culter Harris, K., Mance, E., Stojkov, A., Anderson, S., Vega, O., Metzer, S., DiGiovine, C. (2024) Developing a Training Program for a Personal Navigation Intervention for Individuals with Disabilities. Transportation Research Record (Accepted, in press). (Accepted, in press).


Ortiz, P., Gill, K.,Chung, C., Ding, D., Faieta, J. (2024) Smart Speakers and Skill Use: What Do We Know? Disability Rehabilitation Assistive Technology (Accepted, in press).


Gross, M., Lansang, N. M., Gopaul, U., Yoney, K., Ogawa, E., Heyn, P. C., Sood, P., … & Faieta, J. (2024) What Do I Need to Know About Long-Covid-Related Breathing Problems?”Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. (Accepted in Press)


Julie Faieta was awarded an 18 month, $75K Pilot grant from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to study the implementation of a lifestyle intervention through telehealth.

Harden, J. T., Hill, C. V., Heyn, P. C., Oh, E. S., Perez, G. A., & Whitfield, K. (2024). Indispensable impact: From NIA Summer Institute to Butler-Williams Scholars Program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 72(5), 1627–1629. 

Ries, J. D., De Santis, C., Ouabicha, K., Dagne, M. B., Sood, P & Heyn, P. C. (2024). Redundancy in systematic research of exercise interventions for older adults with cognitive impairment: Is more better? Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Pennsylvania, United States. July 2024. [Poster]

Viswanathan, M., Sathe, N., Welch, V., Francis, D., Heyn, P., Ali, R., Duque, T., Terhune, E., Lin, J., Pizzaro, A., & Riddle, D. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews—Paper 1: Introduction to the Series. (Preprint)

Ali, R., Daniel, C., Duque, T., Sathe, N., Pizarro, A. B., Rabre, A., Henderson, D., Armstrong-Brown, J., Francis, D., Welch, V., Heyn, P., Dewidar, O., Rizvi, A., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 2: Themes from Listening Exercises (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4827797). (Preprint)

Terhune, E., Dagne, M. B., Piper, C. R., Pizarro, A. B., Barsoum, M., Rizvi, A., Francis, D., Viswanathan, M., Sathe, N., Welch, V., Duque, T., Riddle, D., Turner II, R. W., Baker, T. A., & Heyn, P. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 3 a Systematic Review of Definitions for (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4874331). (Preprint)

Francis, D., Pizarro, A. B., Sathe, N., Dewidar, O., Viswanathan, M., Welch, V., Duque, T., Heyn, P., Terhune, E., Ali, R., & Riddle, D. (2024). Centering racial health equity in systematic reviews Paper 4: Use of logic models and frameworks for methodological conduct and interest holder engagement (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4750477). (Preprint)

Welch, V., Dewidar, O., Rizvi, A., Bondok, M., Pan, Y., Sabri, H., Adewale, A., Ghogomu, E., Terhune, E., Francis, D., Pizarro, A. B., Duque, T., Heyn, P., Riddle, D., Sathe, N., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 5: A Methodological Overview of Methods and Interventions (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4699442). (Preprint)

Sathe, N., Ovelman, C., Ospina, N. S., Dewidar, O., Terhune, E., Francis, D., Welch, V., Heyn, P., Duque, T., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 6: Engaging racially and ethnically diverse stakeholders in evidence syntheses (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4735939). (Preprint)

Dagne, M, Terhune, E., Barsoum M, Pizarro AB, Turner II RW, Baker TA, Rizvi A, Heyn PC. Racial Health Equity Definitions and Terminologies in Prominent Public Health Websites: A Systematic Review. Submitted to Journal of Interned Medical Research July 2024 (Preprint)