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 2022 Summer Edition

Featured Patients

Kenneth Gray


Kenneth Gray


T’ai Chi Chih and Qigong for Circulation and Balance
Certified T’ai Chi Chih and T’ai Chi for Health Instructor

In this issue, we want to feature a consumer in a T’ai Chi Chih/Qigong class for persons with movement disorders, i.e. Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor. The class has been held virtually because of Covid-19. It is led by Kenneth Gray, Certified T’ai Chi Chih and T’ai Chi for Health Instructor

Ken has practiced and taught Qigong, T’ai Chi Chih and Chinese therapeutic medical exercises for more than 25 years in NYC at several area hospitals and senior centers. Besides making people feel better during a class, he believes it’s equally important to be light-hearted and laugh to help the healing process

Ken’s favorite quote:
“A hinge that moves doesn’t rust and flowing water does not stagnate” (Daoist physician Hua Tuo c. 200).

Rose Santee

I was diagnosed with Spasmodic Torticollis (aka Cervical Dystonia) in 2010. This movement disorder has caused spasms of my neck muscles and uncontrolled head twisting for 12 years. During the past few years, I have also been experiencing a constant head tremor.
During the Fall of 2020, I attended a Dystonia Medical Research Foundation support group meeting (via Zoom). At that time, I inquired about an exercise class that may benefit my Dystonia. The support group leader at the time, the late Pam Sloate, gave me a few leads to follow. Shortly thereafter, I joined my current T’ai Chi Chih Zoom class. This class is sponsored by the Mount Sinai Health System (New York, NY) and instructed under the great teaching style of Mr. Kenneth Gray. It has been 1 ½ years now and I continue to be very happy to be part of this wonderful class. T’ai Chi Chih has provided me many benefits. The gentle movements of T’ai Chi Chih gives me a sense of relaxation and peace. My tremors are less pronounced while performing the exercises and at times even stop temporarily. I also incorporate the serenity that comes with the mind, body and spirit philosophy into my everyday life. Even just paying attention to breathing and posture can help reduce my anxiety levels during stressful moments in my day. As a bonus, T’ai Chi Chih has also helped me with overall flexibility and balance. I’m so glad to be a T’ai Chi Chih student and to be a part of this Zoom platform that connects me with others within the movement disorder community.

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