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NDNG Multiple Sclerosis Task Force Newsletter


The goal of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Task Force of the Neurodegenerative Diseases Networking Group is to foster networking, collaboration and communication among rehabilitation professionals, persons with MS and other MS stakeholders interested in optimizing care for persons with MS.

The task force brings to the community a newsletter highlighting researchers in the field of MS, resources relevant for the MS community and a blog post written by an individual with MS.

This is the fourth newsletter of the task force and we hope that you will enjoy reading it. If you have recommendations about whom we can interview, please feel free to submit suggestions to Ekaterina Dobryakova, PhD, who is the chair of the task force.


Are you Registered yet for the ACRM VIRTUAL Conference?

Don’t miss this engaging symposium on 28 September from the Multiple Sclerosis Task Force!

Programming from the ACRM Multiple Sclerosis Task Force

Rehabilitation as an essential component of comprehensive MS (Multiple sclerosis) care aims to encourage autonomy and preserve and improve physical functions and mental abilities and enhance the overall quality of life. While two people with MS will not experience the same symptoms, we believe the rehabilitation approach should be tailored. While the response to treatments individually, rehabilitation should be suggested from the time of diagnosis onward. In recent years many MS communities have recognized physical, cognitive, and occupational rehabilitation services as vital factors in managing this condition. But, almost half of the MS patients do not receive rehabilitation services in their countries. Another fact is health inequalities between the countries’ health systems. While determining policies for people with MS, we should take into account the needs of the patient firstly, but reimbursement plans and the facilities and skills of the rehabilitation team are also essential. Read More >>

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