ACRM Mid-Year Meeting, Hilton Chicago // 13 – 14 April 2016
13 April, MNG Business Meeting
14 April, Task Force Meetings
Meeting discussions centered on draft bylaws and Visioncast – the rules and procedures by which we will operate and the goals that will define our direction. Attendees from the MNG also focused on growth of collaborations, presentations, dissemination, and organizational leadership.
Measurement Track: New at 2015 ACRM Annual Conference & Continuing in 2016
Measurement Networking Group (MNG) members provided more than 25 hours of outcomes and measurement content at the 2015 ACRM Annual Conference. Dr. Allan Kozlowski was lead on an Instructional Course: An Introduction to Individual Growth Curve Analysis. Our task forces also provided significant programming in the Core Conference with Measurement-focused symposia.
See 2016 NONSTOP Content for Measurement >>
MNG Highlights of 2015
The Measurement Networking Group (MNG) 2015 accomplishments included establishment of three poster awards and launch of Early Career and Health Services Taskforces, chaired by Jason Raad, Ph.D. In addition, Jan Niemeier, Ph.D., accepted the position of Communications Chair. We also celebrated the presentation of our poster awards (see below), publication of our first Newsletter, and getting our own track during the Core 2016 ACRM Conference. Trudy Malinson, Ph.D., will now serve as Chair and Dr. Heinemann as Past Chair.