What they say about the ACRM Annual FALL Conference
ACRM has incredible scientific programming and you don’t want to miss the celebration this year.
This work — the research, the collaboration — is absolutely critical to the world.
ACRM is working to make an incredible event. It’s going to be FANTASTIC!
ACRM remains an indispensable part of my career for new knowledge, new ideas, and opportunities for professional growth and development.
What presenters say…
ACRM provides a venue for me to share my research findings, exchange knowledge, obtain continuing education credit, and NETWORK.
I appreciate ACRM’s future-forward mindset.
Same great content and now celebrating 100+ years. ACRM is the place to be and the place to present your work to an inter-professional audience
ACRM is one of the best conferences to develop meaningful rehabilitation-related research collaborations.
ACRM holds the largest interdisciplinary rehabilitation research event each fall: The ACRM Annual Conference: Progress in Rehabilitation Research.
Your intel, your passion, your perspective — YOU are needed here at ACRM — now more than ever. ACRM is working on new state-of-the-art technology and new out-of-the-box tactics to bring us together in ways we could not imagine a few months ago.
More connecting, more research, more collaborating & MORE accessible than ever before
More reasons to *NOT* miss this event:
- Hear from, and connect with, *THE* leaders and the most-cited researchers in the field of PM&R
- Help each other and to help push the rehabilitation field forward
- Connect with like-minded rehabilitation pros and research-lovers
- Help advance the field & improve lives — including your own.
Access the latest research, the clinicians & THE researchers
I wouldn’t miss the chance to hear the latest research and to interact with the experts in rehab medicine and research at ACRM.
I came for the practical, evidence-based, highly relevant information, and found collaborators from other disciplines. Now, I attend ACRM Conference to present with my friends.
If you like interdisciplinary learning about rehabilitation research, then the ACRM Conference is *THE* event for you!
The ACRM program provides a very comprehensive range of topics that offer innovative and clinically relevant content to meet the learning needs of rehab professionals.
The highly-inclusive nature of the attendees also offers a very collaborative experience.
ACRM is composed of a wonderful group of friends and colleagues who are extremely resilient and supportive.
Therefore, the ACRM Conference is going to be bigger, better, brighter, and stronger.
Not only you get to hear the latest in rehabilitation research — you also get to interact, ask questions, support, and “hang out” with your peers and pals
What attendees say…
ACRM is *the* organization for interdisciplinary rehabilitation.
The ACRM annual conference is the largest, most innovative interdisciplinary meeting in the world.
A unique interdisciplinary conference providing research and clinical information in an extraordinary collegial setting.
Extremely high quality speakers and sessions. Presenters who are passionate about the research and clinical work in which they are engaged. I enjoy learning from others who are excited about the work in which they are exploring.
ACRM conference provides wonderful opportunities to connect with other researchers, especially for early career attendees. I have made valuable contacts through ACRM.
ACRM is a dynamic collaboration at the global level with the opportunity to share your research with others regardless of the format.
With a collegial harmonious atmosphere, rare in mega-medical conferences, ACRM functions as powerful “glue” that joins together professionals from all specialty areas and disciplines for intellectual exchange and improved rehabilitative outcomes.
ACRM is a home where I can combine clinical interests with my research and interact with people who are making decisions about rehab research.
For every clinician who wants to be in the forefront of research and practice this is the place to be! The topics are unparalleled and if we want to be knowledgeable, and get involved, this is the conference to attend.
What does ACRM mean to YOU?
ACRM is a wonderful way to get to know people in the field of rehabilitation research.
Some of whom the people I’ve interacted with are my lifetime friends.
If you like interdisciplinary learning about rehabilitation research, then ACRM Conference is THE conference for you!
There’s something for everyone in rehabilitation at the ACRM Annual Conference.
Very nice conference in the world.
The conference was truly engaging and inspiring, and the interprofessional papers on rehabilitation research were of high quality.
Broad spectrum of presenters with a wealth of knowledge in Rehabilitation Medicine.
The ACRM annual conference is an opportunity for education and professional growth at all career levels, to hear cutting-edge research findings from the source and to engage with other professionals, to meet with colleagues and friends and to develop new ties. If you haven’t been before, don’t miss it!
Provided inspiring sessions that encouraged me to consider more research, especially the Researcher who headed up the award-winning poster presentation tour.
ACRM is the place to be to stay abreast of current topics in rehabilitation.
The ACRM Conference afforded an enjoyable and useful update in a variety of neurorehabilitative topic of value to the practicing physiatrist.
It was great to expand my research areas.
The Arts and Neuroscience track is a great way to integrate my background in music, dance, and medicine. It is a unique field and I’m excited to see it grow.
Perhaps THE most interdisciplinary conference I have ever been to – content of presentations was applicable to a wide variety of rehab professionals and researchers, and the atmosphere was extremely welcoming. It was easy to network, especially for a first time attendee.
Rehab is made by a multitude of feeds of knowledge which the finality is re integrate individuals in the society.
Thank YOU! I enjoyed the conference and did meet new people, who also are enthusiastic for rehabilitation! That is very good!!
ACRM is an excellent venue for rehabilitation professionals to gather and learn about the latest developments.
ACRM is one of the rare places I was able to find sessions on Pediatric Rehabilitation. The presenters in the field were well prepared and very open to sharing information for the best of patient outcomes. Thanks ACRM and Presenters!
ACRM is the only place where I can get cutting-edge research and see all my friends—not only from around the country but around the world. ACRM is the best place to get new information and to network, network, NETWORK!
Why do you attend the ACRM Annual Conference?
It is a great place to come together with colleagues and friends in both science and clinical practice from around the world.
ACRM is a venue for numerous rehabilitation perspectives and provides networking and educational value for a variety of rehabilitation professionals.
This conference provides unparalleled opportunities for interdisciplinary practice and networking.
Well-attended meeting with many educational options to choose from.
The ACRM conference was an excellent learning opportunity for me as a current graduate student. It has inspired me to continue working towards the much needed interdisciplinary, evidence-based, and innovative research. I look forward to attending again in the future!
ACRM is the BEST place to get latest research in rehabilitation under one roof.
The ACRM conference afforded so much interdisciplinary interaction and discussion of clinical and research issues of interest to all of us.
I had a great time with good content and excellent colleagues.
ACRM, Motivation and training, 100% recommendable!
The access to the many experts in the field of Brain Injury was amazing; I learned something from each presentation I attended. I also received validation that the evidence-based treatment protocols I use in therapy are the appropriate way to treat my clients.
One of the best multidisciplinary Rehabilitation conferences I have attended!
I’d like to thank you all for putting on a great conference with exceptional attendees.
Thank you ACRM!
As a student, the ACRM conference was a great opportunity to meet fellow students, professors, and learn about the array of research currently out there.
Having the multidisciplinary and multi-stream crossovers offered an excellent conference experience.
As an early career educator and researcher, the most valuable part of this conference is the ability to join ISIG’s and collaborate with colleagues from multiple disciplines. I was fortunate enough have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from other disciplines, other areas of practice, and other parts of the country to come together to present on a common topic and to learn from each other. Aside from the valuable topics, presentations from leaders in the field, and the networking opportunities, the ability to collaborate in ISIG’s is one of the most valuable experiences about this organization. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it.
Love the ongoing innovation when planning the conference; there is always something new, fresh and exciting going on here.
ACRM is the only truly interdisciplinary conference where researchers and practitioners gain equal value.
This is an incredible opportunity to link internationally, you hear and meet the trailblazers in their field of rehabilitation and you leave up to date with the latest research.
A great conference with a large range of valuable information. Thank you ACRM!
ACRM is the only conference that brings together rehabilitation engineers, clinicians, federal funders, researchers, and policymakers under one roof. It is one of the most friendly conferences and provides early career researchers a ton of opportunities to network and at the same time collaborate with experts in the field. I look forward to attending this conference each year.
The ACRM Annual Conference has grown to become the world’s largest interdisciplinary conference in the field of rehabilitation research, and as a result, the peer-to-peer networking is second to none.
ACRM was a great conference with impeccable knowledge and opportunities for networking.
An excellent venue to present and learn future perspective of Rehabilitation. A rainbow of Rehab team members
ACRM provides doctoral students and young investigators with the opportunity to meet leaders in the field, receive feedback on their work, and gain knowledge in their specific area of interest.
ACRM is a great interdisciplinary conference that embraces the essence of excellent rehabilitation care!
Colleagues will tell you…
ACRM is a wonderful organization because it’s one of the few where you bring together providers and researchers in the world of rehabilitation…where they can exchange ideas, collaborate, problem-solve, and really take a look at what’s important for the person who is receiving services.
You can’t beat the value of the ACRM conference. The inter-disciplinary program is relevant to your whole team, and the content is cutting-edge. Whether your specialty is stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury or neuro-degenerative diseases, ACRM is presenting the evidence you need.
ACRM’s annual meeting provides an unprecedented opportunity to remain current on rehabilitation research advances and to meet authors, reviewers and editors of Archives.
This was the most organized, comprehensive, inclusive, and embracing conference that I have ever attended. I definitely plan on attending more in the future and getting involved in the ISIGs and letting others know that THIS is the conference to attend.
This conference exceeded my expectation. As both a clinician and a researcher, I gained valuable knowledge that will change both aspects of my practice.
Cutting edge research, education, and horizon scanning by the world leaders in rehabilitation in one conference: simply the best!
ACRM helps you keep up on the latest research in order to provide quality care to your patients.
ACRM puts pain rehab on the map.
As a post-doctoral ARRT fellow, I received great tips on grant writing during the ACRM Early Career Development Course pre-conference training.
This conference brings together experts in a wide variety of disciplines all related to better understanding neuromodulation and its relevance to rehabilitation.
Amazing, Curious, Rehab, Movement.
ACRM is one of the best networking opportunities available to professionals in the field of rehabilitation.
While the event is attended by some of the most renowned researchers in the field, the environment is welcoming and friendly to all attendees and members, new and old.
It is clear there is a common goal to move rehabilitation forward.
For individuals involved in rehabilitation research, I think this is the best possible meeting to attend in terms of educational content and networking with others involved in rehabilitation research.
Inspiring conference also for people from abroad! Excellent program, welcoming and inclusive culture, great interdisciplinary combination of clinical and research work.
ACRM Annual Conference is a unique opportunity to exchange research and education on key rehabilitation topics with world-wide interdisciplinary providers.
I enjoyed the combination of clinically and scientifically oriented contributions and the interdisciplinary nature of the conference.
I chose to present a poster at the ACRM Annual Conference because competing for and receiving this kind of recognition can be an important part of successful career development. Winning the Outstanding Scientific Poster Award was a great honor; and I encourage participation in this event by other students and early career scientists who, like me, strive for excellence in rehabilitation research.
Great conference, lots of take-away information to help improve practice in BI.
I have had an amazing experience as a participant in this conference. Thanks for everything!
The ACRM Conference is a tremendous event that facilitates good learning collaboration and networking.
It was a great experience. Congratulations to ACRM.
Best conference for interdisciplinary discussions.
Very useful learning experience.
The scope of the offerings and the focus on future technology and treatment approaches are unmatched anywhere.
ACRM’s commitment to early career rehabilitation scientists and practitioners is unparalleled, not only in rehabilitation but across most professional organizations.
ACRM is a great conference to come to especially as a young researcher…it’s a fantastic way for researchers and clinicians to come together to share their research and experiences.
As a clinician in the field for less than three years, this event opened my eyes to the research being done to advance the field and gave me a deeper understanding of where we come from in terms of becoming evidence-based in rehab. I appreciated the early career focus as well as the continued focus on interdisciplinary work.
The breadth and depth of presentation and the opportunity to interact with rehab professionals from abroad make this conference a unique opportunity.
The strength of ACRM is in its diversity and multidisciplinary approach, as well as a wide range of areas of interests it caters to. This opens up several avenues for possible developments and combined projects. Facilitation international collaboration has been a hot topic this year, which promises growth in future.
Attending ACRM’s annual meeting provides the opportunity to forge and extend key relationships, which can then be maintained and developed through the rest of the year in our increasingly connected and online international rehabilitation community.
ACRM consistently provides translational research information that is timely and clinically relevant to the everyday practice of Brain Injury Medicine. Providing this in a format that fosters interdisciplinary dialogue adds icing to this cake!
Participating in the “Early Career” workshop at the ACRM annual conference connected me with unique mentoring opportunities in various disciplines of rehabilitation, which have continued to promote my development as a clinician and scientist.
Attending the ACRM meeting has been a great experience on many levels.
The conference provided a rich environment for interprofessional education that is needed for collaborative clinical practice and research! A must attend conference for all team members.
ACRM’s commitment to early career rehabilitation scientists and practitioners is unparalleled, not only in rehabilitation but across most professional organizations.