We have had a profound response to even just a grassroots effort to get the word out about the newly forming LLRG. Upwards of 70 people have already expressed an interest in joining, staying informed of developments, and pro-actively seeking directions for how to meaningfully participate and serve.
Please continue to spread the word to colleagues and trainees in your field and related fields affecting the care of people with limb loss.
To date, our members are:
- Medical and physical therapy students
- Physical and occupational therapists
- Resident physicians
- Clinical prosthetists, with expertise in lower and upper limb devices, who carry out research
- Physiatrists and surgeons in clinical practice
- Graduate students and post-doctoral graduates in engineering and rehabilitation science
- Psychologists
- In industry
- In private practice
- Practitioners and instructors in major academic centers, outstanding rehabilitation centers and community practices throughout the nation
- CEOs and presidents (past and present) of national professional societies and organizations
- Medical directors (both regional and national)
- Program coordinators and team leaders
- Professionally situated to affect the conversation and help steer the direction of the rehabilitation research agenda/needs at a national level
Most importantly:
- You see and care for limb loss patients (of all ages) in inpatient and outpatient settings, throughout the country
- You are practitioners, instructors, professors (at all academic levels), trainees, and researchers, who care about passing the field on, not just undiminished, but enriched and furthered.
It’s high time we start meeting face-to-face, and keep the conversation going, year-round. Please join us!
- Email the LLRG Chair, Gerasimos Bastas, MD, PhD AND Terri Compos to be added to the LLRG listserv
- OR update your Member Profile to include the Limb Loss Rehabilitation Group by following the instructions below:
- Login to the ACRM Members Portal
- Click “My Information” in the left navigation
- Click “Edit/View Information” in the horizontal navigation
- Scroll down near the bottom of the page and select all groups in which you wish to participate.
- Click “Save.”
Non-members are invited to participate free of charge in any ACRM networking group by registering for an introductory membership.
- Click the JOIN NOW button below to complete a “Non-Member/Visitor Form.
- Scroll down near the bottom of the page and select all networking groups in which you wish to participate.
- Click “Create Account” (bottom right) to finish the transaction.