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FACRM Nomination Procedure


Complete nomination submissions will be accepted annually from 1 March to 1 May. 


2024 Fellows of ACRM will be announced in mid-June 2024.



To be considered for recognition as a Fellow of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (FACRM), a person nominated for or applying for FACRM must meet all five of the following criteria:

  1. Be an active ACRM member for at least five consecutive years, with uninterrupted membership and be a member in good standing at the time of nomination.
  2. Attend three ACRM Annual Conferences in the past five years and present at at least two of the meetings attended.
  3. Have an outstanding record of professional service to ACRM. Please note that regardless of how outstanding the nominee’s contributions to rehabilitation may be, the nominee must also demonstrate an outstanding record of service to ACRM. This service should be sustained up until the time of nomination or have occurred within five years prior to nomination. Note that serving as an ad hoc reviewer for the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, while highly valued, is not sufficient service to satisfy this requirement.
  4. Have a sustained record of at least five years of outstanding contributions of national significance to medical rehabilitation in at least two of the following areas: clinical practice, research, education, administration.
  5. Have conduct consistent with moral, ethical and scientific standards of the field.

PLEASE NOTE:  For members who have an outstanding record of professional service to ACRM, but may not have outstanding contributions to medical rehabilitation or for individuals (members or non-members) with outstanding contributions of national significance to medical rehabilitation, but not necessarily outstanding professional service to ACRM, consider visiting the ACRM website to view awards that may be appropriate.



Qualified nominees and applicants may submit a nomination by following the procedure outlined below. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.


  1. AREAS OF POSSIBLE OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS – In nominating an ACRM member for Fellow status list specific national or international level contributions to the field of rehabilitation. Address all contributions from clinical practice, research, education, administration (see examples below). Separately address the nominee’s contribution to ACRM (see examples below). You must include your assessment of why the Nominee’s contributions to the field of rehabilitation and ACRM have been outstanding. Clinical
    • Sustained, extensive, and significant contribution to the body of clinical literature
    • Multiple years of service as a key clinician in a rehabilitation facility
    • Service on the board or committee(s) of professional clinical service organization(s)Research
    • Sustained, extensive, and significant contribution to the body of research literature
    • Service on the board or committee(s) of professional research organization(s)Education
    • Multiple years of service as senior educator in prominent training program(s) in
    medical rehabilitation
    • Writer/editor of a widely regarded rehabilitation related textbook(s)
    • Editor of a major rehabilitation journal(s)
    • Editorial board member of a major rehabilitation journal(s)
    • Service on the board or committee(s) of national or international professional
    educational organization(s)


    • Multiple years of service as a senior level manager and/or leader in medical
    • Service on the board or a major advisory group of a national consumer disability
    • Service on the board or committee(s) of rehabilitation-related organization(s)

    Service to the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
    Sustained, extensive, and significant service to the ACRM (e.g., active role in one of the standing committees; networking or special interest group or task force leadership; professional activity on behalf of the Congress including for ACRM publications or mentoring activities).

  2. NOMINATION FORM – A Nomination Form must be completed by an ACRM member in good standing. Self-nominations are permitted. Nominator may not submit an endorsement.
  3. ENDORSEMENT FORM – Three persons other than the nominator must endorse the nomination via the Endorsement Form and add comments in support of the nomination as they desire. Two endorsers must be ACRM members in good standing (students are not eligible). One of the three endorsers must be a Fellow of ACRM. Those submitting endorsements are not permitted to submit the nomination for the same person.
  4. CURRICULUM VITAE – A full curriculum vitae must be provided.
  5. BIO – A 300-word or less bio-paragraph suitable for publication in the pamphlet for the awards banquet and for introduction of the Fellow, if selected, must also be provided.
  6. SUBMISSION – In addition to submission of a completed Nominations Form and three endorsements via the Endorsement Form, a full CV and bio-paragraph should be compiled into one PDF and submitted via email to Terri Compos by 1 May of the year in which the nominee is to be considered.