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Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD, OTR

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Ottenbacher

Making Science: Characteristics of Successful Scholars

The goal of this presentation is to provide information to early career scholars that will be helpful to them in “making science” and developing their academic and professional careers. The lecture will include a combination of personal experiences and anecdotes along with information from the literature on the following topics:

  1. importance of knowledge in a content area, b) attaining methodological skills
  2. understanding institutional values
  3. the role of mentorship and being socialized into an academic role
  4. maintaining productive collaborations
  5. establishing priorities
  6. functioning in a supportive environment

Successful scholars all become successful in different ways. The challenge is to find the path that fits your passion and personality on the journey to scholarly success.

Kenneth J. Ottenbacher holds the Russell Shearn Moody Distinguished Chair in Neurological Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). He is Professor and Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Sciences in the School of Health Professions. He is also Director of the Center for Recovery, Physical Activity and Nutrition, and Associate Director for the Sealy Center on Aging. Dr. Ottenbacher received his PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia and is a licensed occupational therapist.

Dr. Ottenbacher began his academic career at the University of Wisconsin – Madison working through the ranks from assistant professor to professor. He went to the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1990 serving as Associate Dean for Research and Academic Affairs in the School of Health Related Professions, Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy, Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, and Associate Director of the Center for Functional Assessment Research in the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation.

In 1995, he joined UTMB as Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Allied Health Sciences. He has received numerous awards for his research and service including fellow status in the American Occupational Therapy Association, the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, and the Gerontological Society of America.



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