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Message From ECNG Chair, Brooks Wingo


Brooks WingoOne of the things I appreciate about ACRM is the value placed on early career members, and the opportunities for early career members to get involved. The program for the 2018 annual conference is being finalized now, and it’s exciting to see so many early career presenters, as well as great career-development content for all our early career attendees. Be on the lookout for the final program in the coming weeks.

A call for nominations is now open for three positions within the Early Career Networking Group:

  • Early Career Networking Group Chair-Elect
  • Mentoring Task Force Chair-Elect
  • Early Career Development Course Task Force Chair-Elect

These positions all offer a great way to get more involved with ACRM and build your professional network. Please consider nominating a colleague (or yourself) to serve.

In addition to opportunities within the ECNG, there are many ways to be involved within the ACRM community. If you are looking to gain experience with the peer-review process, the ACRM Communications Committee is in need of reviewers for Information/Education Pages.  These pages are submitted by ACRM community groups and published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  Peer reviewers are needed in all content areas and early career reviewers are welcome.  There are also several new cross-cutting task forces that are currently being developed. These include a Pharmacy Task Force, Military Caregiver Task Force, and Brain Injury Focus on Behavioral Health Working Group. Each of these groups is open for membership, and they are all looking to promote collaboration across content areas and career levels.

If you are interested in volunteering as a peer reviewer, becoming involved with these new groups, or want to learn about other ways to be involved with the Early Career Networking group, feel free to contact me at


Check out this year’s searchable Online Program to preview interdisciplinary content for 20 focus areas and search for your favorite presenters. NEW in 2018: CME/CEUs and access to conference slides are included in registration.

EARLY BIRD RATES EXPIRE SOON: If you plan to attend the ACRM 2018 Annual Conference in Dallas, be sure to register by 30 June at the Early Bird Rate to save up to 40% off. This deadline will not be extended.

Book Your Room at the headquarters Hilton here >>

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