Dear ECNG Members,
I am an Assistant Professor in the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Department of Occupational Therapy. I received my PhD in Health Education and Promotion from the UAB School of Public Health in 2010 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Comparative Effectiveness in the UAB Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education (COERE) and the Department of Nutrition Science. My research focuses on understanding the role of dietary patterns on the cardiometabolic health of individuals with mobility limitations, developing novel methods for delivering lifestyle interventions to this group, and the establishing the validity of measures of body composition and cardiometabolic risk in adults with mobility disabilities.
I joined ACRM in 2013 and joined the Early Career Networking Group (ECNG) the same year. In 2015, I co-founded the Early Career Mentoring Task Force, and have served as Chair of the task force since its founding. Since developing the Mentoring Task Force, we have successfully launched a number of programs including the Mentoring Lunch within the Early Career Development Course, the Ask the Mentor column in the Early Career newsletter, and establishment of the ECNG Outstanding Mentor Award, which was awarded for the first time in 2016. We are now working to expand the mentoring programming offered by the ECNG to include a mentor-matching program to assist early career members of ACRM with meeting mentors throughout the ACRM membership. I am excited to transition into the Chair-Elect position of the ECNG. My goals for the next few years are to continue the outstanding growth of the ECNG seen over the last few years and to continue to grow opportunities for mentoring and career development for early career members of ACRM.
Brooks Wingo, PhD
Chair-Elect, ECNG
University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB)