A Message From the ECNG Chair, Brooks Wingo
It’s hard to believe it’s already summer! Many of us look forward to a slower pace during the summer, and many are trying to catch up on progress toward writing and research projects. Summer is also a great time to get more involved with service opportunities and increase your role within ACRM!
Our task forces within the ECNG are always looking for new members, and there are many open positions for leadership roles within other ACRM community groups. In this newsletter, we’ve included a list of open positions from across ACRM. These are great ways to network, grow your national service contribution, and help with projects in ACRM.
We are also excited to announce the second Career Development Corner Webinar, which will be held on 28 June at 11:00 AM EDT. James Graham, PhD, DC and Amol Karmarkar, MPH, PhD will present, Diversification of Research Portfolio in Early Career Stages with Large Datasets. These webinars are free to attend, and no registration is required. You can also access our previous webinars on the ACRM website. I hope you all have a safe and productive summer!
Brooks C. Wingo, PhD
Chair, ACRM Early Career Networking Group