Early Career Development Course
By Early Career Development Course Task Force Chair, Reza Ehsanian, MD, PhD; Chair-Elect, Amy Herrold, PhD; Past-Chair, Monique Pappadis, PhD
The Early Career Development Course is a perennial favorite at ACRM that connects early career rehabilitation researchers with prominent and accomplished professionals. This year’s course focuses on tools for “Promoting Your Science to Secure Collaborators, Funding, and Career Advancement.” The course will provide opportunities to learn from experts in public speaking, funding agency representatives, and distinguished scientists who will provide insights through didactic presentations, panel discussions, small group discussions, and one-on-one networking.
This year’s course will focus on how to effectively promote your science and more importantly yourself. The speakers will provide you with career development tools and advice in regards to career promotion. The course will provide opportunities to learn from experts in public speaking, funding agency representatives, and distinguished scientists.
Early Bird Registration is in effect ONLY through 30 June. Register now for as little as $299/member. If you plan to also attend the Core Conference (5-8 Nov), choose the WORLD PASS registration option for the BEST value (includes the Early Career Development Course).
The ECDC is honored to have Julie Silver, MD, Associate Chair in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School as our keynote speaker presenting, “Opportunities to Advance the Dissemination and Implementation of Rehabilitation Research through the Lens of Equitable Scientific Workforce Support”. Dr. Silver has held numerous leadership positions and is the director of a highly acclaimed CME course at Harvard Medical School, “Writing, Publishing and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals”. She will give highlights from the 3-day course to help attendees “learn how to make the most of print, live, and online communication channels, and sharpen your ability to market yourself and your body of work.”
In addition, this year will be the inaugural session of the “Spotlight Speaker”. The ECDC is excited to have Dawn Neumann, PhD FACRM, Associate Professor and Research Director at the Indiana University School of Medicine in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, giving insight into compiling effective individual development plans in order to promote career advancement. Dr. Neumann will give practical advice on how to organize an approach to learning experiences, which will improve the competencies and skills you need to enhance your strengths, develop new skills and identify opportunities for improvement.
Another exciting new session will be the “Dissemination in Action: Communicating Research in a Digital World”. Stay tuned as there is more news to come about this session in our next update. The extremely popular “News You Can Use” session will include the highly regarded presentations from representatives of NIH, NIDLRR, and VA discussing new rules and regulations, as well as updates on funding opportunities. They will be available to give grantsmanship advice based on each organization’s mission and funding priorities.
The tradition of mentorship continues with the Mentoring Lunch and insights from the Early Career and Distinguished Scholars Panels, sharing their insights for success. Don’t miss out, register early so that you are assured to be assigned to the mentor of your choice during the lunch session! Visit the Online Program to learn more.