Dear ECNG members,
As 2017 begins, I am excited by the momentum we have. As you read in our last newsletter, Alison Cogan, PhD (cand), OTR/L, assumed the role as our Communications Task Force Chair and she has continued all the great work that our Past Chair, Dawn Neumann, PhD, had begun.
Our Mentoring Task Force Chair, Brooks Wingo, PhD, is working in collaboration with the Neurodegenerative Diseases Networking Group on a pilot program to match mentors and mentees within ACRM. This is a very exciting move forward for the ECNG and the goals our Mentoring Task Force has. We will keep you updated with progress as we work out a foundation.
And as usual, our Early Career Development Course Task Force, led by Monique Pappadis, MEd, PhD, is working diligently to develop another stellar course for our 2017 Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA. If you would like to get involved in any of these task forces and their activities, you can find more information and contact the respective chair from the Early Career Networking Group community page.
Speaking of Atlanta, the ECNG is gearing up for our Mid-Year Meeting in Atlanta, GA April 27 – 29, 2017. The ECNG will hold an informational meeting and have representatives available throughout the two days to help facilitate networking connections. Dates and activities should be determined within the next month or so, so keep an eye out for updates on the events as the meeting approaches.
Lastly, looking for a way to build your CV or a service opportunity to fulfill your tenure requirements??? The ECNG’s Chair-Elect position is open. Further details on this position are listed within the newsletter and anyone who is interested in the position or additional information can contact me at
Megan Mitchell, PhD
Chair, Early Career Networking Group